Entrance Exams Part 2!

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Hi! How are you guys? I know it's been a bit, I want to know how you've been!Also, just a FYI thoughts will be in Italics. Anyways, ONTO THE STORY!

3rd person pov~

After the examines finished their multi-subject tests, they migrated to a new auditorium. As they went to their specified seats, (y/n) noticed that she was seated next to the same girl that saved Izuku.

"Hiya!" The winged girl says to the brunette as she sits down.

"Oh! Hi!"

"Thank you for saving Izu from falling earlier!" (Y/n) says with a smile. "Oh yeah, my name is (y/n) (l/n) by the way!"

"No problem, I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt! And my name is Ochako Uraraka." She says returning a smile.

"WHATS UP U.A. CANDIDATES! Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. C'mon let me here ya!" Present Mic yells and everyone stays silent. Except, of course, (y/n) who let out a small 'whooo!' to support her uncle. "ALRIGHT! Please sit down and turn your attention to the screen!"

(Y/n) Pov~

Uncle Zashi then starts to explain the physical test for the entrance exams, and as he explains about the point system with the sheet, a blue haired boy stands up while raising his hand. Oh! thats the boy from earlier! Im pretty sure his name is Iida?  After  Uncle Zashi calls on him, he starts to talk about the sheet.

"On the print out, you've listed four types of villains, not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official U.A. materials, it is shameful." that's rude of him. so what if there's a mistake? Stuff like that happens all the time! He the continues on by saying "We are exemplary students, we should expect the best from the best from Japans most notable school. A mistake such as this wont do." gosh diddly dang that was a lot of talking just to say something about a possible error. at least hes done now. I think to myself as he stops talking, and goes to sit down.

Only, he doesn't sit down. he turns around and begins to speak again, pointing at another examine. "Additionally, you with the un-kept hair." upon closer inspection, I realize that its Izu! "You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. if you cant bother to take this seriously, then leave. you are distracting the rest of us." after he had said this, the other people sitting around him started laughing at Izuku. Those little cotton headed ninny muggins! I was about to try to get Izu's attention to reassure him, but Uncle Zashi brought the attention back to him.

"Examine 7-1-1-1! thanks for calling in with your request!" the screen behind him then changes to a close up silhouette of the fourth villain. "The fourth villain is worth zero points! That guy is just an obstacle we will be throwing in your way. There is one in every battle center, and you should think of it as a hurtle you should try to avoid. Its not that it can't be beaten, but... there's kinda no point. I recommend my listeners to ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts."

"Thank you very much. Please continue" Iida then bows and sits back down in his seat.

"That's all I've got for you today! I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napolean Bonaparte once laid down, "A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes". Now that's a tasty sound bite! Now you ready to go beyond? Lets hear a PLUS ULTRA!" Again, everyone stayed silent, including myself this time. Uncle Zashi then finishes off with a "Good luck" and we are sent on our way to the examination arenas.

Once we into the seperate sections, I notice that neither Izu or Katsu were there. Huh, they must've made it so you aren't with any of the people you go to school with.

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