U.A. Acceptance!

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Heyo! here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it! Also, I customized my home screen to make it ATLA and LOK themed. Anyways, onto the story!

Third-person pov~

It has been just about a week since the U.A. applicants have taken the entrance exams. And at the Aizawa household, a certain (h/c) haired girl was pacing the house, waiting for the mail to come.

As she's pacing, she hears the sound of the mail truck and sprints to the door, falling alongside the way. Once she reached the door she peeked out of the window beside it, just to make sure it was the mail lady who was there. When (y/n) saw that it was the mail lady, she opened the door and ran to meet her on the little stone path that leads up to the Aizawa household.

"Alrighty, here's your mail sweetheart." The lady says while handing a couple of letters and a package to the girl.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) then takes the mail in one hand, and with the other she give the mail lady a cookie. She then sprints inside so she can see if the letter from U.A. had come.

"YES!" (Y/n) shouts as she found the letter. She then takes out her phone and calls her dad. (Aizawa will be in italics and All Might will be in bold)


"Hi dad! Guess what!"


"The mail came and I got a letter from U.A.!"

"That's great honey, have you opened it yet?"

"Nope! But I will now!" (Y/n) then takes the letter and opens it. She then reaches in and take out a small disk. (Y/n) the sets the disk of the table and waits for it to turn on.

All Might then pops up in a hologram and recites a message that he had prepared.

"Young (l/n), congratulations! In the entrance exams, you have had a total of 72 points ranking of in 4th place!"

"Yes!! Did you hear that papa? I got 72 points!"

"That's amazing honey, I'm so glad!"

The hologram then continues.

"In this exam you had a total of 59 villain points and 13, therefore you have made it into class 1-A!" At this, the girl lets out a excited screech. "Welcome young lady, to your hero acidamia"

~Time skip to the first day of school!~

"Y/n it's time to-"  as Aizawa had entered the girls room, she was no where to be found. "get up?"

"BOO!" Surprised, Aizawa brought up his scarves but quickly put them down seeing that it was his daughter that had spooked him. "Haha I got ya!"

The winged girl had hid above the door using her wings to hold herself upside down in the air. (She was sitting like the person is in the picture and she dropped so her face was in front of Aizawa's)

 (She was sitting like the person is in the picture and she dropped so her face was in front of Aizawa's)

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She then sets herself down on the floor and smiles.

"Yeah, you sure did get me" he says while returning the smile. "Now come on, we've got to leave soon."

"Okie dokie! All I've got to do is brush my teeth and get dressed, then I'll be ready."

"Alright see you in a few minutes then."

"Yup see ya in a few!" And with that, y/n closes the door and and gets into her new U.A. uniform. 'Ooo this looks so nice!' She then does a quick twirl and goes to brush her teeth in her bathroom.

After she is finishes getting around, she grabs her school bag and her to-go bag and goes downstairs. (This is her to-go bag with the blankets and stuff)

 (This is her to-go bag with the blankets and stuff)

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"Alrighty! I'm ready!"

"Ok" Aizawa then tosses her the keys. "Go start the car, I've got to get my coffee"

"Okie dokie!" She then skips down the front path to the car and hops into the passenger side door. After she gets in she starts the car and waits.

After about five minutes Aizawa comes out with a travel mug of coffee and his sleeping bag. 

"Alright, let's get going." Dadzawa then buckles up and dives off the U.A.

Time skip brought to you by Bakugo's tiddes~

Once the father daughter duo had reached the prestigious school, they were greeted two very enthusiastic pro heros.

"Uncle Zashi! Aunt Nemi!" Y/n called out as she runs towards them, her arms stretched out for a hug.

"Y/N!!" Both excited pros shout in unison as they embrace their niece. "Happy first day of school!"

"Thank you!"

"Alrighty, you should head to class! You don't want to be late!" The bAnAnA hAiReD man says to the e/c eyed girl.

"Mic, school doesn't start for the next hour. She doesn't need to be in class yet." The sleep man says as he reaches the energetic bunch.

"Oh shoot you're right! Well, how about you come to the teachers lounge with us since Shota was going there in the first place!"


The five of then then make their way to the teachers lounge to wait.

After about half an hour the h/c haired girl decided to head to the classroom, and when she got there she was surprised that she wasn't the first one. When she had opened the door to class 1-A she saw a familiar blue haired boy.

"Hello there! I am Tenya Iida, I believe we had met before at the entrance exams. I am glad that you passed and that you are now my class mate."

"Oh! Hi there. I'm glad that you also got in." Y/n says in a very monotone voice, still upset with how rude he was to Izuku. "I'm going to take my seat now."

She then walks past him and goes and sits in the back by a window. After she sits down she takes out a car pillow pet, lays her head on it and look out the window to her left while she waits.

Hello! How are you guys? Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to at least get something out today. I hope y'all had a good thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)! Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!

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