A meeting at the Cafe

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(Y/N) POV~

Oh shoot! I was suppose to meet Izu at the cafe!

"Hey dad, could you please drop me off at the Cat Cafe down the street? I was supposed to go with Izu, but we got side tracked, with me snapping at Katsu and all." I say as I take out my phone to text Izu

"Yeah sure. Here's some money for a the food" He then takes two 1,000 yen bills from the glove compartment and hands them to me.

"Thanks dad! I'll make sure to get you a coffee!" He smirked at this. I then go back to texting Izu.
(The texts will be in italics)

(N/n): Hey Izu! I'll be at the cafe soon, I kinda forgot and went with my dad, sorry!

Izu💚: It's ok (n/n), see you in a bit!

(Y/n): Alrighty, see ya in a few!

After I'm finished texting Izu, I put my phone away and started reading my book.

Aizawa's pov:

As I'm driving (y/n) to the cafe, I realize I haven't meet any of her friends. I think that her friends are Midoriya, and who else? She doesn't talk about anyone else so maybe she only hangs out with him? I'll have to ask her about it.

"Hey (y/n), you've told me about Midoriya, but do you want to tell me about any of your other friends?" I ask cautiously, not wanting it to sound like I'm saying she doesn't have any friends.

"I don't have any other friends." Woah woah woah, hold up, my daughter only has one friend? Well I guess my anti social-ness wore onto her? But still that's no okay.

"You don't? Why not?"

"Well whenever I ask someone to be my friend, they say I'm a 'goody-two-shoes', whatever that means, and if they did anything against the rules I they think that I would tattle on them." This made me kinda angry. Who do those snot nosed brats think they are?!

"Did they said this to your face?"

"Uh huh! But it's alright, I'm sure they don't mean anything bad by it!" She said this a cheery tone "Oh, and when I was walking away I heard them say 'she's such a weirdo' and 'what loser' that was kinda mean, but I forgive them!" By now, I was beyond mad. I was furious. How dare those little bastard children make fun of my daughter!!

"Your right, that was mean, so what were these kids names?" I saw through my gritted teeth.

"Natsuki Tanaka, Chikako Kato, and Bonto Watanabe. Why?" (These are just random names btw)

"Oh no reason." I say, trying not to sound less upset as to not make (y/n) upset. I'm total not planing on punting them off the roof of the school.

"Alrighty then! Oh, and look! We're at the cafe!" She points out the window and see that we are in fact, at the cafe. "Alright dad, see ya later." (Y/n) then gets out of the car and starts walking towards the cafe.

"Be safe (n/n)! And text me if you need me!" I shout out to her through the passenger side window. She waves to me as she enters the cafe, and then I drive away.

(Y/N) Pov~

As I'm walking in, I see an empty table, well almost empty because there is a little kitty, and go to sit down. Since I was driven, Izu shouldn't be here for a few minutes, so I have time to do some of my homework.

While I'm pulling out my homework from my bag, I see a boy around my age with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt through it. He's kinda looks like a pikachu! Well anyways, he come over and sits at my table, and asks me a question.
"Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt, and who are you?" He ignores my second question and says

"When you fell from heaven, because you're are an angel~" This confuses me because I didn't come from heaven, I'm just a person. Oh, I know, He's probably confused because of my wings!

"Well, Mr. Pikachu boy, I didn't come from heaven even though it may be confusing because of my wings." I say with a smile. I then expand my wings a bit so he could see them behind me. His eyes widen as he sees them behind me.

"Oh my god, you actually have wings" he says the with a very dumbfounded look in his face. He then continues with a very obvious question "are you an actual angel or is this your quirk?"

"Like I said before, I didn't come from heaven, so this is my quirk, silly!" I then giggle and pick up the kitty that was sitting on the table and put it in my lap.

Kaminari's Pov~

This girl is so cute, and I can't believe she actually has wings! Like, I was just going for it when I asked her if she could as from heaven, but oh my god she's like a literal angel. As I'm sitting across from her with a rather shocked look on my face I hear her say,

"Like I said before, I didn't come from heaven, so this is my quirk, silly!" She then giggle and puts a cat on her lap. I feel my face heat up when I realize how cute of a giggle she has. It's honestly adorable. I then start to take a closer look at her. Obviously I thought she was cute when I came in, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything to her, but as I'm taking a look at her I see that she isn't just cute, she angelic.

"So, umm my name's (y/n), what's your name?" I'm snapped out of my thought by her voice.

"My name's Denki Kaminari," I tell her as I start to lean forwards "but you can call me the man of your dreams~"

"Why would I call you that? I would much rather call you pikachu!" My face fall when she so blatantly rejected me "Oh! Please don't be sad, I won't call you pikachu if you don't want me to!" She says this with a concerned look on her face.

"It's not that, so you can call me pikachu!" She smiles at this.

"Yay! So do you want to be my friend?"

"Yeah sure! Here's my number." I hand her a slip of paper with my number on it, and in return she hands me a sticky note with hers. After we exchange numbers, we chat for a bit about what school we go to, our quirks, though I didn't learn to much about hers. When I told (y/n) that my quirk is electrification she started laughing.


"It's just" she laughed again and tried to composed herself "that's just make you more like a human pikachu!"

"Yeah I guess it does!" I laugh. As we continue talking I get a text from my friends asking me to go hang out with them.

"Hey (y/n), is it good if I head out? My friends want me to go over to their house"

"Yeah sure!" As I start to get up, I hear her say "can I get a picture of us first for my contact photo?"

"Yup!" She then walk over to me and puts her arm around my shoulder, and I blush at the close contact. She then says "Smile!" And then I look at the camera with a wide smile on my face and she takes the picture. She then proceeds to put her phone away and give me a hug goodbye. I, of course, blush again at the close contact.

"Hey, (y/n) please send that pic to me, I want to use it as my contact picture as well"

"Alrighty! I'll send it to you in a bit!"

"Alright, I'm gonna head out now, bye!"

"Okie dokie, ba bye!" And with that I leave the cafe.
1335 words
Authors note
How did I do? Sorry it's shorter than my other chapters but, I just wanted to get something out bc I've been gone for awhile. I will be following the plot of the show in the next chapter so yeah! Anyways, have a nice day!

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