Episode 1: Origin

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(Y/N) POV~

As I'm walking to school with my best friend Izuku Mydoriya, who I met when I started public school in which was my first year of middle school, we hear a loud crash.

"Wow! That's one big super villain!" I look to see what Izu is talking about, and I see a ginormous villain standing in the street.

"Yeah! It's huge!" I say as me and Izu watch the scene unfold.

"So what's this guy's deal?" I hear one man say to another "he stole a some lady's purse and got himself cornered" that's all I hear of this person's conversation as me and Izu try to see over the other people's heads. "Oh look! It the rescue hero Backdraft! We're definitely going to be fine now!" another bystander yelled.

"Darn it! I wish I could see what's going on!" Izu says in a rather frustrated tone. I feel bad because hero's are his everything, so without a second thought, I spread my wings and wrap my arms around his waist, and fly up a little ways so we could have a good view of what is going on

"(Y/n) w-what are you doing?!"

"Well, you said you wanted to see, so now you can!" I say with a wide smile, but then I see his face is all red. Oh no! I think he's sick, he can't go to school if he's sick!

"Hey Izu? Are you feeling okay? Your face is really, really red." And then I feel his face to see if he has a fever, but then his face turns more red. What's going on with him today?

"N-no I'm feeling alright, w-why wouldn't I be!"

"Well your face keeps getting more and more red, and your sweating, so I was thinking that you might have had a fever. But as long as your feeling alright then that's a good thing!" He turns his head towards me, showing me a small smile, about to say something but, before he could he get side tracked because Kamui Woods had just showed up!

"(Y/n), look! It's Kamui Woods!"

"Wow! He's so cool, and I think he's going to do his special move!" I exclaim. At that moment Kamui Woods' arm started grow as he shouts "Preemptive Binding: Lacquered Chain Prison!"

But before his attack could reach the villain, a giant lady with purple horns crashes in yelling "CANYON CANON!" And total steals Kamui Woods' thunder!

"Well that's not very nice of her, why didn't she let him go, it's not like he couldn't do it himself." I murmur as I lower me and Izu from the air, as some photographers start taking pictures and whispering "money shot, money shot, money shot"

"Hey Izu? Why are they saying money shot? She's just standing there, it's not like she has a bunch of money with her."  Izu just looks up from his notebook, which he had started taking notes with once I set him on the ground.

"Huh? Oh it's just because..." he trailed off and I waited for him to answer.

Izuku's pov

Oh on! What am I supposed to say! I can't just be like 'oh their just taking pictures of her butt'! Oh my god, she just to innocent for this world. I look down at my watch, yes! The time! That's the perfect excuse.

"OH! Would ya look at the time, we really need to get going so we won't be late for school! Haha" As I laugh nervously,  (y/n) looks at her phone to check the time.

"Oh my goodness your right! We really got to get going" she then takes my hand and starts to drag me toward the school.

(Y/N) POV and Time skip~

When we get to school, which we thankfully weren't late for, the teacher take role, and then starts to talk about our future.

"Since you guys are third years, you should be looking for what you want to do with your future and I should probably hand out some career aptitude tests" Mr. Teacher (I don't know his name so let's just roll with that) then picks up some papers from the podium and throws them behind him as he says "but why bother! I know you all want to go to the hero track!" Everyone, except me, Izu and Katsu started showing off their quirks. Some of my classmates had very interesting quirks to say the least.

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