"Namjoon?" The teacher looked at him with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

He shook his head, aware his face was red and he was sweating. "S-sorry, I'm fine."

He forced himself to stare at the long equation on the board, his eyes losing interest before they even finished scanning it, seeing nothing as his mind drifted back to hentai, monster fucking, gangbangs, twinks-

He groaned, resting his forehead against the board, snapping the piece of chalk in half with his fist.

"Namjoon, you should go to the nurse." The teacher said. "You don't look well."

Namjoon nodded, dropping the two chalk pieces to the floor and hurrying out of there before his hands could shoot to his caged cock in front of all of his classmates.

He raced to the bathroom, throwing himself into a stall and barely locking it in time before he shoved his pants and boxers down and grabbed himself.

The metal blocked his desperate cock from getting any friction from his hand, but feeling it helped Namjoon ground himself to reality.

He took a few minutes to compose himself, willing every single porno he had ever seen to please just leave his memory bank for the next seven hours.

And then Namjoon realized something.

He had been far too horny to feel it earlier, but now that he was more calm, he realized with horror he had to fucking piss.


What the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn't hold it for seven hours, that was out of the question.

But he also couldn't take off the cage without the key.

The key that only Yoongi had.

Yoongi, who was at his home, and not at Namjoon's school.

Namjoon opened the stall door and checked to make sure he was alone in the bathroom, before pulling out his phone and dialing a contact.

Now calling: Fucking Pervert

Yoongi picked up on the fourth ring. "Don't tell me you already want to quit, sub."

Namjoon seethed, clutching the phone tightly in his hand. "I have to fucking pee, pervert."

"Sounds like a you problem." Yoongi said, and the student heard the sound of the dom eating chips.

"It's your problem too," Namjoon hissed. "You can't do anything that will hurt my health, remember? And not being able to go to the bathroom violates that. I could get an infection, or worse."

Yoongi chuckled. "Aww, poor baby."

"Shut the fuck-"

"Alright, I'll be there in twenty minutes, you whiney baby." Yoongi hung up.

Namjoon was indignant at the insult, but he was relieved Yoongi was on his way to release him.

Even if it was only just to piss, it would be a small reprieve from the torture of chastity.

Silently, Namjoon impatiently waited for Yoongi to show up.


Fucking Pervert: just parked. I'm going to excuse you from class so be ready.

Sub: hurry the fuck up asshole

Sub: God damn fucking sloth

Sub: I'm in the nurses office cuz my teacher thinks I'm SICK cuz of ur stupid ass punishment

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