Chapter 27

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"Come on, Kook." Hoseok said as he parked in Yoongi's driveway.

Jungkook looked nervously at the house as he climbed out of Hoseok's car. "We shouldn't be skipping class, Hobi."

"It's important, it's for Namjoon." Hoseok insisted, hurrying up the steps to the doms house. He knocked on the door loudly.

Jungkook followed behind him, still nervous to step inside the doms house, as if Yoongi would immediately grab him and start domming him.

The door opened and Yoongi looked surprised to see them.

"Hello boys, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked.

"We're skipping!" Jungkook said meekly, hiding behind Hoseok.

"Just first class." Hoseok shrugged. "I know you said to come over this weekend but I wanted to do it now. It's about what happened with Namjoon."

Hearing Hoseok call Namjoon by his real name and not some crazy nickname showed Yoongi the boy was being serious, something he suspected didn't happen often.

He stepped aside to let them in.

"If I had known you were coming over I would have made some tea." He said, showing them to the living room.

"It's fine, we won't be long." Hoseok sat on the couch, facing the dom.

Yoongi was a little on edge, since he couldn't talk about the bet and he knew the boys would be prying.

"So...I guess I just want to know what's going on between you two." Hoseok said. "In the bathroom, I've never seen him like that before. Never...and then he wanted you, instead of his parents or us. And I thought he hated you, so I guess I just want you to fill in the gaps for me."

Yoongi let out a breath. "Well, you know he's modeling for me, so I guess we just got close that way, and from what I've heard about his parents...they're not really parents."

"Yeah, they're more like his PR team." Hoseok agreed. "But about that modeling thing...I know Nyummie is gorgeous, but it doesn't make sense for him to wear girls clothing. Like, why not just get a female model? Especially since he doesn't like you...I don't know, Mr. Min, things just don't make sense." Hoseok sighed.

Jungkook piped up. "We just want to make sure Namjoon is okay! He didn't even open my birthday card!"

"Birthday?" Yoongi frowned.

"His birthday was on the 12th." Jungkook nodded. "I got him a card because he doesn't like presents."

"Shit, I forgot!" Hoseok gasped. "Nyambaby!"

Yoongi hadn't known the students birthday was three days ago. The boy had never said anything about it.

"Does he not like celebrating his birthday?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok shrugged. "His parents always make a big deal out of it, and he hates the attention, so he tries to slip by unnoticed every year. I guess he's glad I forgot. Phew, saved!"

Yoongi had a feeling he knew why Namjoon didn't like being the center of attention. 

"Thank you both for coming in. Namjoon is lucky to have good friends like you two." Yoongi smiled. "I'm glad he has people at school to help him with Taehyung."

"Yeah, well, you met him, so you know how...hard to get along with he can be. We're his friends, because if we don't, no one else will be." Hoseok chuckled.

"Do you know what Taehyung was meaning by all that he said to Namjoon?" Jungkook asked. "He was like, say hi to Yoongi for me! And said you were, um, well...u-uh...fricking Namjoon."

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