Chapter 26

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The next day, therapy passed by much like the first one had, with Namjoon clinging to Yoongi and Dr. Lee asking casual questions that Namjoon didn't find too invasive.

When they got home, Namjoon looked hopefully to Yoongi, wanting to have a real session this time.

He had loved yesterday, with Yoongi bathing him and falling asleep with him, but he was also eager to just get back to normal and have a session where Yoongi would dominate him with toys or rope or whatever, so he could fight it and win the bet fair and square.

Yoongi saw Namjoon's hopeful look and sighed. "Don't you want to eat or relax a little bit before we start?"

Namjoon shook his head. "Ready now. Sir."

Yoongi wished the boy would go slower, but he still admired how resilient the student was.

"Alright," Yoongi patted the students shoulder. "Come on, baby."

Namjoon jumped up eagerly, following the dom to his bedroom.

Namjoon liked Yoongi's bedroom more than his own. It was mostly clean, with just a little activity on the places he used the most, like the bed and the desk.

And it smelled like Yoongi's comforting scent. This room was quickly becoming Namjoon's favorite spot on earth.

Next to being in Yoongi's arms, of course.

"On the bed, sweetheart," Yoongi murmured, ushering Namjoon onto it.

Namjoon climbed onto it, wondering what Yoongi was going to do to him.

The dom didn't pull out any ropes or toys, and didn't undress himself, so Namjoon was confused at what he was supposed to be stubborn and defiant at.

Yoongi climbed onto the bed too, sitting next to the laying down student. He reached his hand out and ran his warm palm up and down the boys muscular arm. "I know you want to have a regular session, but we're going to go at my pace, so don't expect something hardcore or kinky for a while, okay?"

"Shouldn't things go at my pace?" Namjoon asked.

"Normally, yes, but you're too stubborn to see that you need to go slow with things like this, so we're doing things my way." Yoongi said.

Namjoon immediately opened his mouth to argue, and Yoongi raised a finger to the boys soft lips.

"No baby, this is nonnegotiable. We're going slow, or we're not going at all, got it?"

Namjoon huffed, but nodded. "Fine."

Anything was better than Yoongi shutting him out.

Yoongi smiled at his cute baby. "Good. Thank you, sweetheart."

Namjoon eyed the way the dom slid off the bed, walking to the closet to grab something.

Yoongi returned with a blindfold in his hand. "Have you ever played with this before?"

Namjoon shook his head. Despite what people probably thought, he wasn't that kinky. It wasn't even that often that he masturbated, he was usually too busy to even think about grabbing his dick.

Yoongi got back on the bed, sitting next to the students legs. He looked at the black blindfold in his hands. "I want to...fix you."

"With that?" Namjoon wasn't following.

"With this." Yoongi confirmed. "I'm going to put this on you, and you won't be able to see. You can reach up and take it off at anytime, dom won't tie your hands up, okay baby?"

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