Harry Styles Imagine 2 Year Anniversary

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'Yeah Harry'
'You know how it's our 2 year anniversary coming up'
'Well, I've made a few plans'
'Okay, what are they?'
'There's a couple of different options but the first one will definetly happen'
'1) Come out of diner with me,
2)We can spin the globe and where ever it lands we will go there,
3) We do nothing
4)You marry me?
You can choose as many as you want'
'Well I have no other option but to choose 1. 2 Sounds great and the answer to 4 is yes'
'Really? I don't have a ring yet'
'Does that really matter at the present moment Harry?'
'Of course not, come here.'
Harry pulls me in and kisses me passionately.

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