Harry Styles Imagine Happy Birthday Love

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I wake up to Harrys arms wrapped around my waist, I turn around, he looks to perfect, his hair in a mess on the pillow, sunlight from the gap in the curtain illuminating his muscular arm. It's my birthday today, I really hope Harry's remembered. I start to trace one of his swallow tattoos. Harrys eyes flicker open, his lips curl up into a smile,
'Good morning love' he rasps out, kissing my forehead, lips lingering.
'Morning gorgeous, guess what day it is' I say sitting up and staring down at him
'What, is it christmas?'
My mouth opens in shock, Harry notices and giggles
'Happy Birthday love' Harry says as he sits up and pecks me on the lips.
'So, what do you want to do today?'
'Spend the day with you'
'Of course, I've got you a present' Harry gets of the bed and walks out of the room, I decide to check my phone, I have thousands of happy birthday tweets from Directioners and of course messages from family and friends, it's impossible to avoid hate but not impossible to learn how to cope with it. A couple of minutes later Harry walks back into the room looking as sexy as ever in nothing but his white Calvin Kleins, he comes and lies on top of the covers on the bed with a small box in his hands, a card taped to the top.
'Happy Birthday my love' He says handing the box to me.
'Thankyou' I say taking the box from his hands, I take the card of and place it beside me, I carefully take of the pink spotty wrapping paper. Inside is a little black box, I look up to see Harry eagerly looking at me, I look back down at the box and open it, I gasp as the content is revealed. Inside is a beautiful silver necklace, the pendant is in the shape of a butterfly with little red rubys as decoration.
'Harry, this is, this is beautiful, you didn't have to buy me this' I'm speechless
'It's not over yet love, open the card'
I do what Harry says, pick up the card from next to me and open it. On the front is a picture that was taken of Harry and I on our first date, I can feel my eyes filling up. I open the card and two pieces of paper falls out onto the bed. I pick them up, it was two tickets to New York. I only realise I'm crying when a tear falls onto one of the tickets.
'Happy tears right?' Harry questions
'Of course, thank you so much' I say as I lean over the bed and hug him tight.
'I love you' I mumble into the side of his neck
'Not as much as I love you'

One Direction ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora