Harry Styles Imagine I Dont Need Help

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I sit on the bathroom floor, blade in my hand. I slide the blade vertically over my wrist several times. I haven't told anyone that I cut and I'm not going to. Harrys at work and shouldn't be home anytime soon. I'm so obsorbed in hurting myself I don't realise Harry standing at the bathroom door, tears rolling down his face.
'Nikki' He whispers
I shoot my head up. This must be horrible.
'I-it's not what it looks like' I stutter, chucking the blade one the ground and grabbing a towl to put on my arm. Harry just stands there in shock. I start crying. He walks over to me, bends down and wipes the tears from my eyes, then he grabs my hand and pulls me up so I'm standing. I just stand there, crying, watching Harry get the first aid box out, he took out a roll of bandage then came back over to me. He gently took my arm and put the cold tap on.
'Keep it under there' He said quietly.
I've destroyed the one I love. I want to apologise, I try to apologise but the words won't come out of my mouth. I cry instead. Harry turns of the tap and dabs my arm with the same towl I used earlier. He then wraps the bandage around my arm. I wince in pain a couple of times, he just mumbles an apology. Once he's done he looks up at me, big red streaks down his face from the tears he's crying
'The hate'
'You could have told me'
'Didn't want to'
'I could have helped you'
'I can't be helped'
'Yes you can, please stop' The last part was whispered as Harry moved his head so it was looking back down at my bandaged are he was holding. I look down to, there's little specks of blood seeping through the bandage. A single tear of Harrys falls and soaks into the bandage
'Help me Harry'

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