💜First Date: Jung Hoseok💜

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After getting ice cream with Hoseok, you traded numbers. You've been talking for a few days and you decide to ask him out on a date. He agrees and you plan to go shopping at your local mall.

You're finishing getting ready when you hear a knock on your apartment door. You quickly open it to see Hoseok standing in the hall. 

"Hey, Y/N!" he smiles, "You look great!"

"Thank you! You do too. Come in, I'm almost ready," you tell him.

"Alright," Hobi says, entering your home. He looks around as you quickly finish your hair and put on some jewelry.

"Nice place, I like a lot of the artwork," Hoseok tells you, looking at a painting that you have in your entryway.

"Thanks, my roommate painted them," you say to him, putting your shoes on and grabbing your bag.

"Ready to go?"


You take to quick drive over to the mall and enter the building with Hoseok.

"What store do you want to go?" he asks you.

"The shoe store. I want to see if I can find a pair of boots that I like," you tell him.

"Alright, we'll go there first."

You walk through the mall, browsing through each store. You find some things that you like and buy them.

"I think we've gone into every store, Y/N," Hobi says, sitting down on a bench.

"Yeah. I'm hungry after all of that walking," you say, sitting next to him.

"We can go down to the food court and get something, my treat."

"You don't have to. I can pay for my own food," you assure him.

"You can get whatever you want. I got it, okay?"

"Okay, you can pay. But I'm paying next time."

"Alright. Now let's go eat."

You get your food and chat while eating. You drive back to your apartment and arrange to go on another date a few weeks later. Hoseok leaves and you smile to yourself because the date went so well.

-I had fun today

-Me too!

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