In need of tea - Lucifer X Reader

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A/N - Hi! Oh my gosh I meant to finish this a month ago and instead I do half and finish the other half in another month. Well here is a late MERRY CHRISTMAS! New Years is soon which also means my birthday is real soon. I should save up to get a special card for my birthday. I have been too excited for these new events and then the new story season. Maybe that is what helped me get in the writing mood. Maybe I can do a Belphie story in less than two more months.  Also my cards need serious leveling up now. 

Just a quick update on myself- Our husky got his surgery and he's healing well. Our cat got a random fever and blood tests showed no reason why he had the fever. Our smallest dog had teeth surgery so she had some teeth removed but bounced back immediately and then our oldest dog started stumbling a bit/staring at walls which the vet said is very likely due to age (she is still a happy, bouncy girl). 

Now hopefully back to more writing! Enjoy Lucifer!

"Come to my room after dinner today. I have something I would like to discuss with you." Lucifer had commanded you this morning.

You and six of the brothers were sitting down eating your terrible lizard cereal for breakfast. Some minutes into eating your breakfast, the last of the demon brothers, Lucifer, arrived in the dining room. Of course it was Satan that poked at his lateness.

"It seems that perfect Lucifer is late to breakfast."

"I have been filling out paperwork as I always do. With that big event coming up, I simply have more than usual." Lucifer argued back.

Lucifer may have seemed as he usually did but you swore you saw a few strands of his hair were out of place. As everyone continued eating, Lucifer had called your name across the table.

"Come to my room after dinner today. I have something I would like to discuss with you."

You had felt confused and worried. What is it he wanted to discuss? It could be a lot of things. To tell you he saw you trying to ice bucket prank him with Satan and Belphie? That he knows you acted as a decoy so Mammon could sneak out of the house to go gambling? Maybe he saw when you almost dropped your DDD down the staircase by accident and wanted to lecture you. Or he might confess that he loved no you doubt he would just confess all of a sudden no matter how sultry he can behave....and as much of a dream come true that would be....drool. There was no time to get a nosebleed. Your mind was thinking overtime but you managed to calm down enough to focus getting through classes for the day.

Throughout the day you focused on the teachers as much as you could (but you still doodled drawings when you zoned out). Eventually classes were done and you went home with Satan as you already made plans to work on homework with him. Satan wasn't afraid to ask you the hard questions which made you think hard but still you only got some correct. He told you testing you with hard questions would help strengthen your mind. You doubted that. 

Soon it was dinnertime that Levi prepared....kind of. It was probably ordered food so he could have more time for games. At the table, you saw Lucifer's seat didn't have a plate. 

"If you haven't read the group chat dear, Lucifer told us he was still doing paperwork." Asmo chimed in.

"I left the bag, um I mean a plate, at his door." Levi mumbled. Nodding, you go back to the dinner Levi "made".

After dinner you thought about going to Lucifer but Levi begged you to play a new game with him. Not able to resist the cute Otaku, you told yourself you'd only play for a bit. An hour and a half later, you pried yourself from Levi's sobbing arms and went to see Lucifer.  Still on the floor outside the door was the dinner Levi left. Knocking didn't work. Opening the door, you apologise:

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