Mario why? - Leviathan x Reader

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A/N   Thank you everyone for over 400 reads. Enjoy the next story involving Leviathan! Also I do not own Mario Kart or any of the characters found in Mario Kart. Also also I really love Yoshi XD.

It was a nice night in the Devildom. Well as nice it could be living with seven chaotic demon brothers. But at the dinnertable this evening, they were less rambunctious than usual. Levi, however, seemed to fidgeting quite a bit.  You notice Levi keep glancing at you every couple of minutes or so. 

"Anything the matter Levi?" You ask.

"N-no I just wanted to ask if you'd play Devil Mario Kart with me after dinner?" He stuttered.

"YES I LOVE MARIO KA-wait is there a difference to human Mario Kart?" You shout, startling Mammon out of his chair.

"Pff Normie. Fine I'll look it up before we play."

"Thanks but what did I say about calling me a Normie?"

"Maybe if you win some championships I'll stop." He challenged.

You just roll your eyes and focus on finishing your dinner, one of your favourite meals made by Belphie. Finishing your food, you head upstairs with Levi. You and Levi spend a lot of time together gaming mainly or watching anime so you're relaxed hanging out with him like this. Levi searched for the differences of his Devil Mario Kart with the human one. There seemed to be only one difference- the characters in Devil Mario Kart came with additional devil horns and devil tails. Levi started the game up and the moment the characters came onto screen you made a mad controller dash to your favourite character- Yoshi.

"YES! Yoshi is mine and mine alone!" 

"Okay geeze you Normie." Levi says, picking Princess Peach (perhaps because she looks a bit similar to Ruri-chan with the pink dress).

"Oh Normie these driving skills, Mr Otaku!" 

The first race started off alright with you only second to Levi for the first lap and a half but then....Donkey Kong.

"Urg what? Donkey Kong don't knock me off a cliff! I'm losing my place." You growled at the screen.

"Haha is the NPC annoying you (y/n)?" Levi chuckled.

"Yeah sure!" You back chatted, trying to recover your place in the race. You cut the corners tight but Donkey Kong struck again. He dropped a banana peel right at a tight corner and Yoshi/your vehicle spun around, letting the rest of the characters pass you. You came in last place for the first race.

"Ah geeze. Well I'll get him next time!" You announced. You in fact did not get him next time. You came in last for the next two races thanks to Planet of the Apes on the screen. Thankfully Levi didn't tease you too much but he was likely too absorbed with winning. The final race of the cup had you in 6th place this time but still behind...The Ape.

"Are you sure the NPC isn't maybe a bit more smart than with my human version? You haven't touched the settings?" You asked Levi hopefully.

"No as far as I and the websites say, there is nothing additional happening here. Are you sure you're as good at this game as you think?"

" LEVI! Rude!" 

"Okay okay." Levi mumbled, defeated. "Well at least I'm winning then all anyway."

You sighed and went onto another cup.

"This time." You murmured to yourself. You could feel yourself slip with all this losing going on.

The first race of the cup had you in 5th place, much better than your other races. The result of the second race was last place again. Was that an eye twitch you could feel?

The third race started. You went round the first corner with Donkey Kong behind you. That was until Donkey Kong immediately hit you with a shell and drove past. He went in front of you and planted a banana right behind him, which was also right in front of you. No time to evade, you slipped on the banana and spun for what was probably the hundredth time. He seemed to leave you alone for some ten seconds of freedom before you caught up with him and Donkey Kong thought it was a good idea to shove you off the road using a sound box, into an ocean. After being fished out, you used your skills to maneuver into third place behind Donkey Kong and Princess Peach AKA Levi. Hope flared in your chest. All of a sudden Donkey Kong shot off a shell no where near where Peach was but the angle of the shell made it bounce off a wall and behind Donkey Kong, straight at you. Yoshi/you got smacked in the face by another. stupid. shell.

"DONKEY KONG!" You raged. Levi just seemed to ignore you as he kept his perfect first place.

It was the last lap and you were in the zone. Of hatred. Donkey Kong picked up an item and used his squid to ink. You laugh triumphantly.

"I'm fine with a bit of ink ha!"

You managed to stay in third place while ink was on your screen but some seconds later...

"Ah more bananas! Why you )&$%!"

"He's being so mean!" You had stood up.

"Levi!" You sniffed.

"..Yeah there there" Levi was obviously not paying attention to anything but the race.

"I hate you stupid ape! I prefer monkeys! Grr!" You stomped around and didn't realise you were standing in front of Levi's view of the screen. Suddenly you felt a tail around your waist grab you and pull you onto his lap. 


"There I can see now" He had his head resting on your shoulder, his face with a look of concentration. Luckily his demon form horns were also not touching your head or face. You felt kind of bad for almost ruining Levi's game but also wanted to complete the game. Getting 3rd last place but not beating Donkey Kong still you pout.

"Good job getting first Levi." You tell him.

"Thanks but I had a distraction almost costing me a win. Didn't I Normie?" He stops. "Y-you're in my l-lap."

"Y-your tail grabbed me baka!" You stutter back. He's blushing furiously. You are too. As if he can feel the embarrassment in the air, he swings open the door.

"Hel-oh~. I see you twooo" Asmo coos seeing you in Levi's lap.

"We are just gaming, ugly" Levi sasses.

"Yeah what's your problem?" You back him up.

"Gah! So rude!" Asmo slams the door.  You and Levi both start giggling.

"Well that chased him away quick" Your side had started to hurt. You felt Levi's hands rest on your sides.

"Want to game some more?" He asks you.

"Like this?"

"Y-yeah. Can't have you blocking me again."

"Okay." You smile. Levi smiles too and the two of you play a few more races with other characters and then just rounds versing each other. You two enjoy your night of gaming snuggled up.

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