Demon Brothers and side characters comforting you

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A/N Hellooo it's been a while! Haven't been on Obey Me too much lately but maybe I'll get back in the flow for uhhh chapter 51 I think?

Got some more fanfic for you guys though. Enjoy!

Ah just a note, these are a little short but a sweet gist of their loving personalities! (Feel free to expand with your own fanfics). One more thing, I mentioned in my other story buttt I found a pen of a pink sheep that looks similar to MC-Sheep! So the notes I'm writing for these fanfics is now with a MC pen hehe.

WARNING: How most people feel when being overwhelmed with school and work. Don't worry the OM guys love all of us no matter what!


You were extremely stressed in this literal hellhole. Not to be rude to the Devildom of course....

Being forced to be a student was hard enough but as an exchange student you really had the pressure on to perform well. You might get the occasional help from Satan or even Lucifer from time to time but learning this all has gotten to you lately. So many different laws of nature here even, so many assignments just like the human world used to be. Even in the human world, you'd get overloaded during this time of assignments close together. The Devildom was the same, you had a headache, felt sort of a panicking numbness to what was ahead to write and research, you felt tense and even a rise in body temperature with your apprehension. Feeling any small thing could make your pent up, almost crying emotional state, you walked into the House of Lamentation. You could feel your arms quivering under your skin as you picked up some snacks Satan offered you from the lounge room. 

"Thank you" you murmured.

"Are you alright (y/n)?" Satan asked.

" many assignments" 

"Oh...yeah unfortunately it's that time." Satan frowned, a concerned look on his face.

You nodded as you left Satan to go to your room. You set your bag on the ground and suppressed the urge to kick it. You noted down a brief list of assignments and what to research. When you looked up it was an hour and a half later. Why did your brain seem to work so slow? You were feeling a rise in your panicking emotions and started tearing up. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door. Sniffling you go to answer it.


At your door you saw Lucifer, straight faced and professional like. That was, until he saw your face was red and you had tears. 

"I hear you've been feeling overwhelmed with your school work."

"I guess you could say that."

"Come drink some tea with me."

You were about to refuse when Lucifer turned around to walk off to his room and you realised he wouldn't let you say no. Reaching his room, he gestured for you to sit as he went to make the tea after asking your favorite kind. He placed the tea in front of you and sat down across from you. At first nothing was said as you both sipped on your tea. Finally Lucifer spoke.

"You have been doing very well with your studies for someone that has only known the Devildom for a year."

"Thank you Lucifer."

"I understand that you could feel overloaded at times."

"The human world is similar with this workload. I should be more used to it."

"You are the first human student learning all about a different world in months. Not to mention the ruckus my brothers constantly drag you into. I'm surprised you get much sleep at all with them."

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