I'm not perfect- Asmodeus x Reader

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A/N     Hi again! This story has a bit of angst, but also cute and funny moments, so a nice balance hopefully. I haven't read too many fanfics with Asmo being vulnerable so I'm adding this. I also came up with another nickname for Asmo randomly which I love as a personal nickname just between you and Asmodeus. Enjoy!

It was a normal morning in the House of Lamentation where everyone was eating breakfast before their first class of the day. Everyone, except Asmodeus - The Avatar of Lust. You and the rest of the brothers noticed his absence and shrugged to one another, assuming he was busy perfecting his makeup and clothes. Finally Asmodeus arrived to the table, although he was behaving abnormally. He swayed once as he walked to his seat and when he sat down next to where you sat, you noticed a faint red on his cheeks. 

"Are you feeling alright?" You asked.

"Of course dear!" He replied with wave of his hand.

Although you were still concerned, you continued to eat your breakfast. The rest of the brothers made conversation but you noticed Asmo didn't join in. He seemed to eat slower than usual, pausing to only smile at the conversations going on around him. You still kept quiet because you knew Asmo would continue to pretend he was fine. When Lucifer stood up saying it was nearly time for class and to finish breakfast, you said you would go to class soon. Lucifer noticed your constant glancing at Asmo and nodded, walking out of the room and off to his own class.

"Are you planning on going to class, Asmodeus?" You asked.

"Why yes I am. Don't want to get punished by Lucifer ~ " He winked.

"Okay we can go to class together when you are done." You smiled.

"Oh yay!! I am ready to go now! ~ "

You looked at Asmo's half eaten breakfast with a frown but thought at least he ate half. You got up, told him you had to ask Satan something and to wait at the front door. 

"Hmm? Okay! See you soon. Mwah!" He left the dining room.

The rest of the brothers looked at you curiously while Beel grabbed the rest of Asmo's breakfast to eat it himself. 

"What do you need to ask?" Satan questioned you.

"Do you Demon Brothers get sick? Asmo has been a bit off."

"Yes we can but it happens very rarely. Sometimes it's only a minor sickness but there have times where it's been more serious. "

"That's good to know. I'll try to keep my eye on him but really, he needs to know his limits." You say, walking out of the dining hall. You meet up with a super smiley Asmodeus who grabs your arm and leans on you as you walk to class together. He seems able to walk alright but you notice while walking that Asmo's forehead has drops of sweat. Maybe Asmo noticed your gaze on his brow as he tries to distract you by pointing out the designs on the school building. Using a tissue from one of his pockets, Asmo lightly dabs the sweat on his forehead. 

You have to leave Asmo for your first class and silently hope that his class goes well without you to watch over him. As you leave the classroom, you are startled to see Asmodeus at the door you were walking out of. He looks worse since the last time you saw him. He was leaning against the wall, yet swaying slowly, as if his body couldn't handle standing. It is the glazed over look in his eyes that make you snap.

"Asmo you are clearly sick. I've never seen you like this before."

"You've never seen me in many different ways ~ " He chuckled.

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