Barbatos X Pregnant Reader Part 1

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A/N Hello, hello. I have not looked at Obey Me events in ages (except a couple of parts of Barbatos' birthday) but since it's still close to Barbatos' birthday, I thought it's time to write, type and publish at least part one of this. I plan to write a mature section in my other mature Obey Me book. 

I find it interesting Barbatos isn't much to show feelings (although I'll need to read his Devilgram stories and didn't read through his birthday story...) 

(Well this part didn't come out exactly how I thought but there will be at least two other parts to expand innn)

I have tried to keep this gender neutral (and will try for the other parts) so this can be normal pregnant or mpreg depending what you wish.

As always, please enjoy!

There was a party going on at the House of Lamentation. The brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, Barbatos and you were all taking some time to unwind. It was lucky Diavolo found some free time (and by coming, he forced Barbatos to come).

Music played in the background, changing types of music every couple of songs because basically everyone had different musical tastes. Nodding your head to pop music, you saw as Mammon and Asmodeus looked at each other. They take out bottles of demonus and grin cheekily.

"Who wants ta kick this party up a notch?" Mammon whooped.

"MAM-" Lucifer started, his arms crossed.

"Why not? This is a party just with close friends." Diavolo laughed. Lucifer and Barbatos looked uncomfortable. As the demons started sipping on demonus, Simeon cleared his throat.

"This has been nice but I think it's getting late for us." Luke looked at Simeon's hand on his shoulder, ready to lead him away.

"S-simeon! I do know what demonus does. Don't treat me like I'm so young." Luke said as sternly as he could. Mammon laughed and burped.

"...Actually let's just leave." Luke started walking off.

"Me too. Thank you for inviting me. I'll have to cook for everyone as thanks another time." Solomon waved. Everyone put a fake smile on their face as Solomon walked with Simeon and Luke.

When they all left, the demons went harder on the demonus. They began to play mainly harmless drinking games such as drink if a certain word was said from the music playing. You began to feel left out and pouted. Diavolo had started to drink. Turns out he was a happy drinker and laughed more often. Lucifer took a few choice sips but remained more watchful. Barbatos and you were the only ones not drinking at all. That was until Belphegor handed you human alcohol.

"Get drunk." He winked. Lucifer was glaring at him across the room. You started joining the games with the others. Soon you felt buzzed but not drunk like the others. The only one now that hadn't drunk at all (besides water/juice) was Barbatos, who was standing up straight looking professional as usual. You admired that about Barbatos, seeing him so professional. Not only do you admire him but you also have a big crush on the man. Feeling the buzz of more confidence, you walked over to him.

"Come on Barbatos, relax and have a drink with us." He looked very surprised to be asked.

"Well, I have never seen you drink before Barbatos." Diavolo chuckled.

"Your protection comes first, My Lord. I believe I am the only one at the moment fully aware of the surroundings."

"It may not seem it but I AM perfectly sober to be aware of our surroundings and Diavolo's safety." Lucifer crossed his arms.

"I don't doubt you, Lucifer." Barbatos replied. Lucifer just ignored him, turning around the scan the obviously secure room of the House of Lamentation.

"Well I highly doubt anyone is going to pose a danger to me when I'm here especilly."

"Are you saying I'm making excuses?" Diavolo gave Barbatos puppy dog eyes.

"I-if you really don't feel comfortable drinking, I'm sure we would understand." You reassure Barbatos, not wanting to pressure him. 

"...Very well." He takes a cup of demonus and starts drinking it leisurely. You smile and press your cup to his shyly, trying to get closer to him. 

Great job tipsy brain - you cheered yourself.

The party continued with Barbatos drinking along at his own pace. Eventually you start yawning while sitting on the couch. Belphegor poked your cheek, laughed and toppled over on the couch and sleeping instantly. Asmodeus was next to Barbatos who you had convinced to sit next to you. Asmodeus reached over to snuggle against you arm's 'super soft skin' as he'd say.

Diavolo and Lucifer had noticed your insistant yawning.

"Feeling tired?" The great Demon Lord asked.

"Yeahh I think so. Getting too *yawn* tired."  You admit (A/N I was yawning as I wrote this part). 

"Barbatos could you make sure (y/n) gets to their room safely?"

"Yes, My Lord." Barbatos bowed but you could see a tiny wobble in that bow. That chugging down of a cup of demonus certainly effected him. Barbatos walked up to you and held out his arm. You put your arm in his but as you walked out of the room you stumbled so he wrapped an arm around you, to keep you up. His face seemed to be a bit red you noticed. You yourself could feel your face heat up. Reaching your room, Barbatos politely opened your room for you. He helped you to your bed even.

"Thank you." You tell Barbatos but realise how rarely you find yourself alone with him. So you decide to snatch the chance. Sitting up on your bed you reach for Barbatos' hand.

"Your wel-" Barbatos stopped as you took his hand.  You pulled him to you and met his lips with yours. Then you pull away.



"I really, really like you." You were extremely glad the alcohol made you bolder.

"I...think you are feeling the effects of the alcohol."

"Barbatos. Surely you notice how I want to spend time and be close with you. I'm being serious."

"...I have feelings for you too." He admits. "For a while now but I was uncertain...with taking care of My Lord and..."

"It's okay to be uncertain." You touch his arm. He cautiously touched your hand too. The both of you stayed like that for some minutes when Barbatos turned around to kiss you this time. He deepened the kiss even and held the back of your head. Soon, he pulled away though.

"It's probably best I let you sleep now."

"Uh I don't think I'm tired anymore."


"Stay with me Barbatos?" You ask him sweetly.

Barbatos POV

Finally I told (y/n) how I felt. I kissed them twice. Now (y/n) is asking me to stay the night? I look into their eyes and I just can't resist....

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