"Oh, I'm Barry. Barry Allen, nice to meet ya kid." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. Keeping my face blank, I took the offered hand and as he moved to shake it, I proceeded to throw him offer my shoulder. "Ow..." Barry groaned. "What'd you do that for? I was being nice to you kid!"

"Hmph." I huffed. "You should know, just because you're fast doesn't mean you're invincible... Flash." I smirked as both Dr. Snow and Barry sputtered out excuses and lame covers. "And for the record, if you're going to lie to someone who's been living with at least ten lies to cover every day for the past five years of their life, do better. You're both bad liars. Might seem decent to others but I can practically smell you two lying to my face." I frowned. "And don't even say you aren't. It won't matter anyway. To make things short, I'll introduce myself and the black cat on the cot." Barry snickered but stiffened as soon as I put down a glare on him.

"I can introduce myself brat!" Aizawa protested from his spot in the room. I turned my glare to him and upped the heat. "Whatever, fine. You explain... this." He gestured all around us. "I'm still confused and would like to know what exactly happened."

"Shut up. If anyone else needs to hear the full explanation from me, then you'd better get them right now 'cause I won't be repeating myself." I announced and as soon as I shut my mouth, Barry ran out and in several flashes of red and gold light, the room had 8 people. "Save the questions for the end. If you need to use your phone to note it down or a pad of paper, then go ahead and get those out as well. I won't be stopping for anyone." Another flash of red and gold and a table appeared in the middle of the room with a cup of pens and pencils on top of it.

"We're ready." The second woman nodded. I scanned the room and received nods from everyone else as well. "You can start now."

"Alright." I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I'll start with where my story starts. Or rather, when. You see, Aizawa and I lived in a world were superpowers are the norm. People like your friend Barry here would be considered great hero material while the rest of you, especially the man in the wheelchair, would be considered worthless. All due to your normalcy and I'm talking about your term of 'normal'. We call super powers as 'Quirks' and there's a lot of them. The majority of the population would get their powers at the age of 4 but there's always the chance that their powers activate before that age." I paused, letting the others in the room process the information I'd just dumped on them. I watched them scribbled or type out notes and questions in their devices or pads of paper.

"When I turned 4, my mother and I went to see a quirk specialist. We found out I was normal. I was quirkless. I had no powers and in mine and Aizawa's world, quirks apparently made you who you are." I rolled my eyes. "Of course, that meant that discrimination against me would be harsh. Word got out and I got bullied for two years. When I was six, I got hit by a quirk while my mother and I were walking home from the store. Even as a child, I threw myself in front of others to save them from any potential harm. The shot was supposed to have hit a pro hero who was only a few feet away. I ran and pulled him out of the way. He didn't like that and he turned to yell at me but paled when he saw just as the beam of purple light hit me. The next thing I knew was screaming all around me and then, silence. In the year 3134, Izuku Midoriya disappeared from the face of the Earth and sometime in between 2018s, Richard John Grayson was "born" into the world." I crossed my arms and leaned back against a wall.

"In truth, I was found and since there wasn't a name tag with me or even a birth date, my adoptive parents named me and claimed my birthday to be the day that they'd found me. My body reverted into a 6 month old baby and I spent the next 22 years of my life there. Suddenly, one day, I got pulled back to my "correct" place in the timeline and I faded into the 3130s and my once-was-a-young-man's-body became the body of a 6 year old kid again. I live in the 3130s for 3 years when my biological mother died and I was orphaned for the second time in my life. Now if we add the 22 years that i spent living in a time when powers were considered unnatural with the 9 years I lived in the world I was born into, I'd been 31 already but no one else but my mother knew that." I chuckled sadly at the memory of her face when she'd found out. "She died because of a criminal and a 'pro hero' who despite having the wrong power to detain him, he chased after the criminal. Both had powers of flames. I think we can all imagine what happened. The building went up in flames and my mother hadn't been in my room or anywhere near it."

The Lines of Society (A vigilante!deku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now