Luke didn't know that either.

Early in the morning, the four boys on four horses left Athens.

Calum was feeling good, whatever good felt when there when the poisonous rash on his skin was slowly but surely growing towards his heart.

There were bags with food and water and most importantly, the medicine that kept Calum's pain away.

Calum and Michael were riding in front and Calum seemed to know where they were going. At least his horse did.

Luke observed how Michael's horse was always just a step or two ahead as if he was being the first in line if anything would jump in front of them.

Luke and Ashton were slightly being them and were talking about all the lectures they'll miss and what they will miss about Athens.

The day was uneventful. They stopped twice, once for lunch and then again to change Calum's bandages.

After their latest stop, Calum fell behind Michael and started to talk with Ashton.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asked when Luke's horse started to walk faster.

Luke was already annoyed by his constant interrogation. Yes, he felt protected and safe near Ashton and he was happy his friend was with them. However, their mission was to save Calum and he should focus on that, not what Luke does all the time.

Therefore, he ignored him and caught up with Michael who was riding in front of them. He seemed to be carefully observing their surroundings so Luke didn't say anything and waited until the boy looked at him.

Luke smiled at him and Michael smiled back.

"Have you ever been outside Athens?" He asked a simple question that wouldn't require words.

As he hoped, Michael nodded.

"Far away?"

Michael didn't answer but he seemed to be thinking and not ignoring Luke.

Finally, he shrugged with his shoulders which made Luke smiled. "Fair enough, who knows how far away is far."

Michael pointed towards the sky.

"Zeus?" Luke frowned. "Oh, you mean the gods. That's true. I should probably ask my mother. But she always says that I need to come to conclusions myself."

This time Michael didn't answer, even with his body language.

Luke still wasn't sure if he was a demigod or not. Michael never participated in any of the games where demigods would fight for the honor of their parents.

Maybe he was the son of a demigod. That would explain some things, like how did he know their secrets.

He didn't resemble any god Luke had ever seen.

Everyone knew Luke was the son of Athena the moment they saw him. With his blond curls and grey-blue eyes, he was a cut picture of her.

Suddenly, Michael had stopped and raised his hand, making Luke's horse stop as well.

Once again Michael had proven to see things he did not or couldn't see.

A few trees length in front of them was a large stag.

Luke could hear Ashton's sword.

"No," Calum said quietly. "He's my aunts. He'll show us the way to the Oracle."


thooughts? (:

luke's and ashton's friendship?

calum's and michael's friendship?

luke trying to communicate with michael?

any new theories or questions?

Love, Lucija ♡

Badlands ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now