15 ⋇ atë

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The goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.


"What prophecy?" Ashton asked looking from Luke to Michael.

"I don't know, Ash," Luke answered softly. "You know what my prophecy says..."

...at least one will leave...

"I know," Ashton said angrily. "And I expected you to try and runoff. I never thought..."

Luke wasn't sure what to say because the boy wasn't wrong.

Suddenly, Ashton's facial expression changed.

"Ash? What is it?"

"I'm so stupid," he said. "So stupid," He shouted.

Michael stepped forward and grabbed his arm. If he said anything to him, it wasn't meant for Luke to hear in his thoughts.

Ashton sat down next to the fire, Michael did too.

"He's been asking me for weeks if not longer, what my schedule is, when do I wake up to parole our camp. When does Michael sleep, when does Michael go on a walk around the camp?"

"You couldn't have known," Luke said.

He didn't know what else to say. He felt guilty. He felt confused.

The son of Athena noticed the look on Michael's face. He nudged him lightly.


Ashton's tilted head let Luke know he was talking to both of them.

I've noticed he's been acting weirdly.

"Weird how?" Ashton asked.

When he thought no one was looking he looked fine, like, he didn't look hurt at all. The moment he noticed one of us he'd walk slower or sit down.

"I haven't noticed, but I was never as watchful as you," Luke added.

Ashton rubbed his face. "Why? Why would he do that?"

Luke got used to thinking the worst.

Maybe it was a trick. Maybe it was Calum who was behind this. Maybe he wasn't hurt at all.

He shook his head. "I don't know, but I don't think there's much we can do right now. We should go to sleep and in the morning, we'll make a plan."

Ashton nodded and Michael took his hand.

They walked to their makeshift beds.

"Lay down with me," Luke whispered.

Michael usually let Luke rest in his lap but he smiled and did what Luke asked him to.

They laid down face to face.

Luke still couldn't believe he could do that. Be so close to Michael.

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