22 ⋇ persephone

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Queen of the Underworld Goddess of death, life, grain, and destruction.


⋇ Michael's point of view

Michael was looking through all the notes he took in the last couple of months.

Whenever he'd go on trips with his father, he'd come back with scrolls and scrolls of notes and then wrote a shorts story about it.

He hoped that one day he'd collect enough stories to make a collection out of them.

This time, he came home from a trip that was longer than any journey he was on before. However, this time the notes were sparse and most of the memories didn't make it onto paper.

Michael smiled as he ran his fingers over Luke's messy handwriting.

For someone so smart and beautiful, his handwriting looked horrendous.

Yes, most of the memories lived in his head and instead of reliving them through reading, he dreamt about Luke every single night.

He pushed away the notes and collapsed on his bed.

If he had to, Michael would do it again. Exchange his life for Luke's.

He belonged to the underworld; Luke belonged to the sun.

But in Michael's opinion, they also belonged together.

The only way to get Luke out of his mind was to busy himself with something. He got on his feet and decided he'll go and see if his father or mother needed anything. His grandma was visiting, so the tension was high.

Maybe he could walk the dogs or something.

Just before he could open the door, he heard the dogs he was just thinking about barking.

Michael rolled his eyes. Another intruder who decided to see the hell before their time.

⋇ Luke's point of view

What Luke expected were fire, destruction, and ruins.

What Luke saw was an immaculate hall and cute dogs who were begging him for scratches.

"They don't normally do that," He looked up and saw one of the most beautiful goddesses he'd ever seen.

She smiled at him. "You must be Luke."

Luke stood up and walked over to her to offer her his hand.

"How do you know?"

"Because only Athena's kids are stupid enough to come here of their free will." Said Persephone. "And because the only reason these dogs are licking you instead of eating you is the fact you smell like my son."

Luke smiled. "I'm sorry for intruding, but I was wondering if I could see him. If I could see Michael."

"If I were you," Luke turned around to see a tall man, with hair as black as Michael's and eyes as blue as the sea, staring at him. "I'd go back to where you came from."

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