23 ⋇ janus

210 28 13


The god of beginnings and transitions.


Luke woke up and smiled before even opening his eyes.

Probably not the first thing most people would do after waking up in hell.

"Good morning," He opened his eyes and notices Michael was already awake, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Did you just?" Luke blinked. "Say that in my head."

Michael grinned. "Yeah, I wanted to see if it still works. We're still connected."

He leaned down and kissed Luke, sending a thousand fireworks through his body. He was wide awake in seconds.

"We missed dinner," Luke pouted.

Michael pulled him into a seating position before pulling him on his lap.

Luke liked this. Liked it a lot.

Ever since they got together and even before, Michael was constantly touching him but now it was different. Medusa wasn't trying to kill him and Michael was no longer silenced.

"Luke, gods don't sleep. My mother will serve dinner, lunch, or breakfast when you'll be hungry."

"I never spent that much time with my mother," Luke kissed Michael's cheek. "My brothers and other demi-gods and goddesses were the only family I knew."

Michael was quiet for a moment before speaking up. "I'm your family now."

"I know," Luke rubbed their noses together before kissing his lover.

"I wanted to..." The son of Hades took Luke's hands in his. "If you're not hungry or anything, I'd like to tell you something."

Luke frowned. "Is it bad?"

Michael kissed his pouted lips. "No. It's just what I would tell you long before if I could."

"Okay," Luke agreed and made himself comfortable in Michael's lap.

"I'm not as good at telling stories as I am at writing them down, so bear with me."

"Michael, trust me when I say that I could listen to you talk for months. Your voice is so calming but at the same time every time you speak, you make me alive."

Michael laughed and kissed Luke's cheek.

"See? This is what I mean, I can write you as many love poems as you wish but I'll never be able to be as spontaneous as you are."

"That's how we survived," Luke joked. "You think and I don't."

Michael rolled his eyes fondly before starting his story.

"I asked Calum to tell you about me. But even he doesn't know the entire story.

On my fifth birthday, my father told me he'll grant me three wishes. It can be anything I want and he'll make it happen.

Badlands ♡ mukeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن