25 ⋇ hades

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King of the Underworld. God of the dead and riches.


Luke couldn't stop smiling.

All the people he loved, gathered in his honor to celebrate his birthday and he could not be happier.

He was reunited with his brothers who have not seen him since he left to hear and survive his prophecy.

There were a lot of questions and while Luke didn't like to repeat what happened to Medusa, he more than enjoyed telling everyone about Michael.

Of course, he didn't share his secret, but he told everyone that Michael saved him.

Luckily, Ashton and Calum were also there and happily answered all the questions fellow demigods that never left Athens had.

"I can't believe I don't get to meet your boyfriend," Luke's older brother complained.

"What do you mean?" Luke laughed. "You met him. You were the one who suggested he like boys."

"I suggested he might like you," Jack grinned, happy that he was right.

"I think Michael liked you from the moment he first saw you," Calum agreed.

Luke wanted to know more, he wanted Calum to tell him more but Ashton interrupted.

"Where is your lover anyway?"

"With his dad," Luke sighed. "We saw each other last week, so it's okay. And next week I get to visit him." He smiled.

He wasn't sad Michael wasn't with him on his birthday, Luke was sad Michael wasn't with him all the time.

He wanted to be with him all the time. Whenever they'd see each other, it wasn't enough. They never had enough privacy or enough time.

Luke didn't even know when was the first time they saw each other.

"I miss seeing you being all cute together," Ashton commented.

Calum leaned on his shoulder, "Believe me, Ash, you don't. Last week they stayed at my house and I couldn't even sleep."

Luke blushed. "Stop lying."

"I'm not." Calum laughed. "You two are too loud."

"You're just jealous."

Luke turned around with a speed he didn't know he had.

"Hi, Michael," Calum said but Michael had his entire attention on the birthday boy.

"Michael," Luke sighed and jumped into his arms. "What are you doing here?" He murmured against his chest.

Couldn't miss the celebration of the day you were born.

Luke gleamed when Michael only talked to him.

"Michael, I hope you didn't run away from your father," Calum said and everyone laughed thinking he was joking.

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