Chapter Thirteen

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(Konohamaru's Point of View)

(Your name) had fallen asleep in my arms as I carried her. The blood dripping from her nose, landing on my shirt. She felt light. Looking back, she was light the first time I carried her yesterday.

I laid her down and took a closer look at her. Her nose had bleed quite a lot. I decided that I would clean up the blood and left to go get a wet rag. As I walked to the bathroom, I came across Hanabi. She had regret written on her face and her she spoke to me.

" she okay?"

"You're referring to (Your name), right?" Hanabi nodded. "Hanabi. You're old enough to be responsible for your actions. When your father told you not to come home until later, you should have listened. With that being said, she's asleep in the guest room. I'm going to get a rag to clean the blood off of her." I didn't bother to say anything else and instead walk past Hanabi. I should have stopped her and Boruto while I could have.

I got the rag I needed and headed back towards the guest room. Upon entering there I was surprised to see Boruto. I figured he had something to say and so I didn't speak and just started to gently clean the blood from (Your name).

"It's my fault." I waited for Boruto to continue speaking. "I shouldn't have gone against my grandfather's wishes and let Hanabi come back home."

"Boruto. You had the right idea in your heart but it wasn't a smart one. What's done is done."

I finished cleaning the blood from (Your name) while Boruto just sat in silence.

"Will she be okay?"

"She'll be fine. Her nose probably bleed due to the fact that she quickly changed from a lightning jutsu to a wind one. That can take a lot of charka."

"I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to know about her Byakugan."

I stood up, the bloody rag in my hand. "If you're wondering if she's related to you, she's not. You're not supposed to know but (Your name) was an experiment and during it all she was given the Byakugan and the Sharingan. I'm sure Naruto is debating what to do now that you and Hanabi have seen it."
I headed my way to the door of the bedroom, knowing that Naruto was probably looking for me.

"You knew she was here and that's why you tried to stop us, isn't it?"

"Yes. I found out she would be here late last night when we were drinking." I paused. "Try not to worry about it too much. I'm sure everything will be okay."

Boruto finally had nothing else to say and I took my leave. Before I could even get far, Naruto and Kakashi approached me. I knew what they wanted to know but I didn't have the answers.

~Little time skip: An hour later~
(Reader~Chan's Point of View)

I opened my eyes, my head slightly pounding. I remembered where I was and stood up. To my surprise, Konohamaru wasn't beside me. Then again, I had no idea why I would be surprised by that. I opened the door to the guest room and listened out to find out where everyone was. I didn't hear anything. I used my Byakugan to see if I could find anyone and saw where everyone was. Naruto, Kakashi, and Konohamaru were having a conversation in the tea room and I knew that's where I needed to go when I saw Boruto snooping on them.

I opened the tea room door, shocking only Konohamaru.

"(Your name)." Konohamaru said my name in surprise.

"Oh. You're up already?" Kakashi spoke, interrupting Konohamaru.

"Yeah I heard what you guys were talking about. I thought you guys would have done figured out what to do about Hanabi and Boruto."

"Well we got on the topic of how your fight with my father-in-law went before anything else." Naruto explained.

"I see. Well, while I'm here, allow me to put my input in. While I don't know Hanabi enough to trust her with the information about me, I trust Boruto. I believe that the secret that it's possible to give someone the Byakugan and Sharingan is safe with him." I faced Naruto. "Even if you can't trust him as the Hokage, you can trust him as his father."

"I agree." Hiashi walked in.

Naruto stayed in thought for a minute. "Ultimately I believe you have the right to choice who you can trust with the information regarding you. With that being said, I'll let Boruto keep his memories; however, Hanabi is other story. I will have her memory of your Byakugan wiped."

"Then it is decided. You can explain the rest to Boruto. Im going to go lay back down." I slowly stood up, feeling a bit dizzy in the process.

"You're shaking." Konohamaru said as he stood up and got beside me.

"I feel a slight headache so that's probably why."

"You should get a hot bath and rest here for the night. I'll have Hanabi prepare it for you after we wipe her memory and re-explain to her that you were just here practicing your jutsu with me under Naruto's orders."

"I'll go home and bring you back an extra pair of clothes and pickup some food for everyone. It's late and I know most of us haven't eaten in a while." Kakashi offered after Hiashi basically ordered me to stay.

"I haven't disrespected you enough to turn me away?" I asked Hiashi.

He chuckled. "Your Byakugan may not be one from the Hyuga clan, but it's just as strong as ours. As far as I'm concerned, you are welcomed as a part of this clan and household."

I smiled gently and bowed to Hiashi, "Forgive me if I stepped my boundaries at any point."

"You were in the right to do what you did. There is no need for apologies."

"Yes Sir." I leaned back up and Konohamaru grabbed my arm to make sure I wouldn't fall.

"Let's go sit you down until everything is ready." Konohamaru said as he kept ahold of my arm. I nodded in response and he walked me back to the guest room. He helped me sit down and then continued to stand himself.

"How long was I asleep?" I questioned.

"Only about an hour. Which is why I was surprised to see you up already. Kakashi didn't lie when he said you'd recover quickly."

I chuckled. "I wouldn't say I'm recovered and Kakashi lied about that. I don't recover fast. I just know how to make myself get up and go."

"Well right now, you need to let yourself rest instead of get up and go." Konohamaru reached his hand out and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. From the looks and feels of it, he truly was doing it comfortably. I blushed a little knowing this.

Konohamaru let his hand fall to his side as he sighed. "Team 7 has the next two days off since it's the weekend. Every now and then us higher ranked ninja still have to work but Naruto said he made sure we got the next two days off as well. I was thinking that maybe we could go out tomorrow since we'll both be free."

I was honestly shocked to hear Konohamaru ask me on a date so causally and calmly. I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, which clearly threw him off. "Sorry. I was just thinking about how you went from being nervous around me to being comfortable so quickly. It's interesting."

Konohamaru smiled as I stopped laughing. "So is that a yes?"

I smiled as I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side. "Yes."

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