Chapter Fifteen

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~Konohamaru's Point of View~

"Konohamaru. Konohamaru." I awoke to my name being whispered softly. "Good morning." (Your name) smiled at me as I rubbed my eyes and leaned up. "We should head back to our rooms while no one's awake yet. The sun is just now started to rise."

I was half asleep as I listened to (your name)."Oh yeah. Back to our rooms." I stood up and it was clear that I was not awake as I nearly fell off the roof. (Your name) caught me and giggled.

"I'll help you to your room." (Your name) walked beside me and helped me sneak back into the room which I stayed at. "I'll see you in a little bit for breakfast. Don't forget we have a date today. Of course I'll have to head home and get ready first."

"Right. Our date... our date!" I spoke loudly as I finally woke up; waking up the others in the process.

"Konohamaru Onii~Chan its too early for you to be screaming. Go back to bed." Boruto whined.

"Ah. Good morning." Naruto woke up.

"Naruto. Buruto." The door to our room opened and Hinata appeared before us.


Hinata giggled. "It's time to get up. I headed over here early to make breakfast."

"Does this mean you know about (your name)?" Boruto asked confused.

"Of course she does. I don't hide anything from her.Not to mention, (your name) introduced herself to Hinata the day you were late shopping because you helped her to Konohamaru's house." Naruto smiled widely. Sometimes I forgot that Naruto and myself were no longer kids.

"WHAT?!" Boruto obviously had no idea (your name) had done that.

"Your sister is waiting for you Boruto. Hurry up."

"Yes mom."

Hinata left and all of us immediately started getting up. I quickly headed for breakfast myself as I was excited to see (your name) again even though I just left her side. Of course she was already there waiting for me to take a seat beside her. Everyone ate peacefully before saying their goodbyes. Without thinking, me and (your name) had started walking together after we said our goodbyes. It came naturally to us.

"I just realized something. Where is Kakashi?" I asked (your name).

"He left in the middle of the night. Had something he needed to do."

"That's odd."

"You'd be surprised. It's not that odd of him at all."

"I guess you're right."

"So tell me. Should I plan to dress casual for the day?"

"Well... if I'm being honest I hadn't thought our date completely through." I rubbed the back of my neck nervous.

"I'll tell you what... I know this really amazing place we could visit. It's a beautiful day and it would be perfect to visit there."

"What kind of place is it?" I asked curious as to where (your name) could possibly be talking about.

"It's a place that only I know about. It's very special. It's the place I go to just to be myself. Come get me from my place in two hours?"

"Sounds like you already thought this through yourself. I'll take your lead on this one."

"Great! Let's part ways here for now so I can take care of some errands real quick. Be safe on your way home."

"Be safe yourself." (Your name) waved me as she walked away but then she suddenly paused and ran back to me to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed and continued to do so as she officially left my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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