Chapter Four

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~Time Skip: The next day~
(Konohamaru's Point of View)


"Naruto." I stood in front of Naruto's desk as I was called in to his office.

"Today is your first day with (Your name) being on your team. How are you feeling?"

I loosen up my body as I realized I was tensed up. "I wasn't aware I was supposed to feel a certain way."

Naruto laughed and leaned back in his chair. "Konohamaru if I was you, I would be scared. If she's anything like Kakashi, she's scary."

"Well her genjutsu was scary. She used it so quick I didn't have time to process it."

Me and Naruto laughed. "I actually really called you in here because today I'm sending you on a mission with only (Your name)."

"What about Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki?"

"I already told Boruto they wouldn't be doing anything today and you can imagine that didn't go well."

"I'm surprised you had the time to even tell him yourself."

Naruto nervously laughed. "I'm sure he'll be trying to paint my stone face throughout the day."

"Well since you're sending me out a mission I can't help stop him." Me and Naruto both laughed.

"The mission is simple but I wanted you and (Your name) to test your skills together without Team 7."

"I see."

"By the way, did you read all the paperwork Shikamaru sent you this morning regarding (Your name)?"

"I did. I understand the situation concerning the information surrounding her."

"Good. Well, here is your mission." I grabbed the piece of paper with our mission from Naruto and read it.


Naruto nodded. "They've been stealing from small villages outside the Hidden Leaf and we've been asked to interfere. Normally it wouldn't be that serious but apparently they love to kill. It's been reported that they'll even break into homes just to kill for the fun of it. Though I'm not for sure if they have any jutsu skills, it's still better to have a higher ranking shinobi check it out."

"I understand."

"(Your name) isn't aware of the mission yet so you'll have to update her on it. You're aware of where Kakashi lives, right?"

"She lives with him?"

"Kakashi did practically raise her so it only makes sense."

"Well your not wrong." I nervously laughed and rubbed the back of my head for a second. "Well I'll be off."

"Hmm. Good luck!"

~Time Skip: Thirty minutes later at Kakashi's residence~

I took a deep breath in as I knocked on Kakashi's door. It was odd to be visiting his house. Matter of fact, I can't ever remembering visiting his house. I wasn't even for sure how I knew his address.

Knock. Knock.

"Kakashi did you forgot your keys again?" I heard (Your name)'s voice as she walked to the door. "Oh? Konohamaru?"

I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I looked at (Your name). She wore an apron over her baggy long sleeve shirt and thigh high socks. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun and she wore a glittery lip-gloss. In her left hand was a wooden spoon held in the air. She was dressed simply but it looked adorable on her figure.

"Sorry for the intrusion but Naruto gave us a mission."

(Your name) opened the door wider as I watched her cheeks get flush red. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea I would be given a mission so soon." She bowed and I put one hand behind my head and waved the other one in air in a way to motion that everything was okay. "I'll quickly get ready. Please, come in."

I walked in and watched as (Your name) scurried around. It seemed as though she had been preparing lunch as she did have a wooden spoon in her hand and there were a few dishes out on the counter. She quickly picked up the dishes and threw what seemed to be some kind of pasta into the fridge. Afterwards she went into what I assumed was her room as I heard the door lock behind her. I took a deep breath, sat down on the couch, and looked around. Like I would have suspected from Kakashi, his house was clean. There wasn't a speck of dirt or dust around. Even with (Your name) scurrying, she made sure the counter was shining with cleanliness. They clearly had their own set of standards.

Not even twenty minutes had past since I arrived and (Your name) was already walking out her room dressed in her mission gear and prepared to take on the mission we were given. I became speechless as I stood up from the couch. This wasn't the same gear she wore when battling me. She wore a black short dress with thigh high black boots that had a tall heel so thick I imagined it could kick the teeth out of someone's mouth. On the left shoulder of her dress was a red cape that reached a little bit below her knee. On her left leg, just above her boot and on her skin, was two red pouches that I assumed had her weapons in it. Her right arm hand a fishnet stocking on it up to the dress sleeve. She kept her hair down and didn't bother to adore her body with anything too extra. 

"Oi. The new mission gear looks good on you." I looked to my side to see Kakashi coming in through the living room window. In his hands he held a black rapier. "It appear I arrived just in time tom return this to you." He tossed the blade to (Your name) and she grabbed it mid-air. 

"Took you long enough. As promised lunch is ready, but I had to put it in the refrigerator since I'm leaving."

"Sorry. Tenten decided to ask me a million question about why I bring a sword in to be polished but I don't use one."

"It's a rapier Kakashi." Kakashi laughed at his own childishness. "And can you explain to me why you're coming in through the window?"

"The door was unlocked so I thought maybe something wrong was going on. After all, it's unlike you to leave it unlocked."

"It's because I let Konohamaru in and I was leaving soon. It won't happen again."

"Umm. Anyway, what is your mission about today?"

"I don't know. Konohamaru hasn't had a moment to inform me yet." (Your name) and Kakashi both looked my way.

"Some bandits who apparently enjoy killing has been causing trouble near the Hidden Leaf out of its walls. Naruto wants us to take care of it." 

"Sounds easy enough." Kakashi and (Your name) said at the same time. 

"Anyway, we'll be on our way. I'll try not to be too late." (Your name) placed her rapier on her right hip as she said her byes to Kakashi. 

Kakashi only hummed as (Your name) made headway to the front door. I followed behind her but stopped as I felt Kakashi's hand grip my shoulder. 

"She can take care of herself but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't pay attention to her safety. Keep that in mind."

I felt sweat beat down my forehead as Kakashi's tone and aura was fierce. "Kakashi~sensei, is that a threat?"    

"Just remember what I said."

"O...Okay." Kakashi let his grip go and I rushed out the door, closing it behind me quickly.

"Are you ready?" My fast heartbeat calmed down as I heard (Your name)'s voice. 

"Yeah... by the way, you look nice." Why did I say that?! I looked away, shocked at my own boldness.

"Thank you!" I looked at (Your name) as her voice sounded extremely happy to hear my compliment. "It was a gift from Kakashi I got this morning for passing the test to become a shinobi. Wearing it really brings me to the reality that I'm well on my way to officially being a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf."

I felt myself blush. Looking at her, she looked completely innocent and harmless, but my gut told me she was more dangerous then anyone could imagine. 

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