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Y/n's POV: I woke up and rolled out of bed, literally. *thump* "WHAT WAS THAT!?" "NOTHING!" I got up and went downstairs ate then came back up to my room. I didn't feel like going to school today. "Kid get ready." I sighed and began changing into my uniform. "Yep she's right upstairs!" Who could be here? I pulled my shoes on and looked in the mirror.

I wore some white flats

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I wore some white flats. My hair I was clueless on what to do with it. *knock knock* "is it safe to come in?" "Oh yes come in Nagisa." Nagisa and Karma came in the room. Karma sat on my bed and Nagisa came over to me. "What's wrong?" "I don't know what to do with my hair." He thought for a moment. "Well take the clips out. I can braid your hair and place the clips through out the brainss and make it seem like their best in your hair?" How we worded it was weird but I liked the idea and let him braid my hair.

"Nagisa why even bother with her hair it's just going to be messed up." "Karma stop it she wasn't transferred to help us kill Sensei but just because they wanted her here. I don't think she's even going to do any of the training we do." They went back and forth for awhile while I just sat there letting him put clips in my hair. "You guys ready to go yet?" "Yeah almost." My new sad person left right as Nagisa finished and we left with my new parents.

I was still getting used to this all I mean after the last few days I didn't feel like doing anything but I need to do things and get things done.

~smol time skip~

Once at school and in class I laid my head on the desk and thought for a moment. I aimlessly thought until I tempered an old memory. It was both a sad and happy one.


"Mommy look!" I let a giggle out as I pointed at a weird kid in a tree as others stood at the bottom. Of course at this age I had no clue that they were bullied. They were to far away to hear what was being said. "Sweetie don't point it's not nice. Come on let's just go drop off daddy's lunch." Me and my mom walked down the street talking and laughing as we used to do. We got to my dads work. Once I saw him I ran up and to him and jumped he had caught me and laughed. My dad worked with a lot of dangerous things and I knew that I just didn't know what they could do to him. "Hi daddy!" I said giving my dad a smile. "Hi sweetie. Hi hunny." My mom hugged and gave my dad a kiss not knowing it'd be the last. "Hi. I figured that we bring you lunch since your working later than normal." They talked about adult things while I talked to my dads coworker. After some time my mom called me over and said we were going home. Once at home we watched some movies and made some bracelets. My mom has gotten a phone call and went into the other room. After some time she cane back crying. Me being a little kid asked her what was wrong and she sat next to me. "Hunny daddy won't be coming home." I was confused. "What do you mean?" "He's asleep. There was an accident at work and he's going to be sleeping for a long time." I thought nothing of it and said ok and she didn't have to play with me. She went to her room and cried some more.

A prankster and devil *Karma x reader+Where stories live. Discover now