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Y/n's POV: "Sweetie Karam's here!" "Ok let him know I'm in my room!" I pulled my sweater over my head as a knock came from my door. "Come in." Karma opened the door and looked even worse than he did at school which broke my heart.

Karma's POV:(before he arrived at your house) "Nagisa this isn't going to work." "Shut up and let Kaede do your makeup." "Don't worry Karma-San she'll fall for it. From what I can tell she doesn't pay close attention to detail and since no one has seen you cry this will work." "She's seen my cry you two." "Yeah but her vision was clouded by tears." "Kaede Thank you for the help." "Oh it not a problem Nagisa."


I'm walking up to her house makeup on my face to make it look like I've been crying I still don't think it's going to work.

~timeskip wrapping this up in either this chapter or the next with a nice ending feel free to request a fic~

I'm currently getting cuddles from Y/n since she feels bad for me. We're watching some movie. I'm thinking about telling her to open the note early. "Hey Y/n." "Yeah Karma." "You remember the note I gave you." "Yeah of course I do. It unopened in my desk draw." She ive a closed eye smile which melts my heart. "Well you can open it now if you'd like too." "Well your going to need to move for that." I sit up and she gets the note.

Y/n's POV:

To the most beautiful girl I've ever meet

Y/n you always make me happy and smile I never want to live a day without you. You make me whole and happy. A happiness I've never felt before in my life. Until I meet you I was a complete asshole(probably haven't changed much) but now I feel like you've changed me...and for the better even if I won't admit it to your face. You have a beautiful amazing smile it lights up whatever room your in. You look so perfect in everything and anything. I'm glad I've given you a chance to get to know me and see sides of me that no one has ever gotten to see. Y/n I wish I could keep you in my life forever and always. I'm so sorry you had to witness sensie's death I wish I could change that but I can't. But what I can do is hopefully make your life better and more happier than hopefully anyone could. So would you date me?

I looked up at Karma tears in my eyes from happiness. I ran over and hugged him. "Yes Karma Yes." He calmed down and hugged me back.

That night we spent cuddling and watching movies together and laughing. He makes me happy even though he can be a jerk at times. But I wouldn't trade the would for this.

A/n: well there you go people. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. And please if you'd like leave a request in the comments.

A prankster and devil *Karma x reader+Where stories live. Discover now