I dknt know

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A/n:aye I'm back

Y/n's POV: in the morning Nagisa had talked to me and we decided I'd go and live with Irina Jelavic our only female teacher. Which I thought was a good I idea until we got to her house and saw how she dressed. "Yeah I'm not so sure about this Nagisa." "Why not though Mrs. Bitch (I used the right Mrs/Ms/Miss right?) would be more than ok if you stayed here." "THATS NOT HOW YOU SAY MY NAME! Anyway dear I'm more than ok if you stay here what's stoping you?" I looked her up and down. "The way you dress." She seemed offended. "You show to much boob and cleavage and some men and boys will think your a slut hooker or stripper and I don't want my guardian to look let alone act like that." It was like you could see the arrows of names I just called her running through her body as if they were real.

"Sorry miss but that's one reason." "What are the others." She said looking up weakly. "Well you seem very fake meaning I probably can't and should t trust you because you'll probably lie to me a lot and you seem to spend a lot of money on your clothes which means you have no self control or just don't think before doing." Karma and Nagisa were nothing snickering begins us....Karma was on the ground holding his stomach in reality. "Is that it." I looked around. "I need a room and I have to be able to bring my stuff here you have no control of what I wear and when I wear it and you can't say anything about my things and life choice. Ex: Who I'm friends with, what I use my money for, how late I'm up on weekends and Friday, when I stay the night with people if I do, and when I decide to leave my room."

She nodded basically saying that was ok. And we began finding box's.

~timeskip past finding box's and arriving at your now old house~

"Follow me up the stairs." I lead them up he stairs and to the door that has kawaii and hello kitty stickers on it. I opened the door and went over to my stuffed animals and told the boys to get posters and stuff on my walls and for I guess now my mom to work on shirt and pants.

"God woman you have quite bit of pastel things and skirts." I looked over. "Yeah I'm mainly wear pastel things skirts I just found cute."

The whole day was spent with Karma teasing me about the thugs I liked and owned and moving box's for one part of town to the other and then unboxing them and setting things up and it was finally nighttime and we finished my room in one day thankfully.

"Would you boys like to stay over for dinner?" "Actually Miss I need to go home and help my mom with dinner but I'm sure Karma would love to stay for dinner." And then Nagisa just up and left. "Right well then Y/n I need your help in the kitchen making dinner please and thank you." I smiled brightly and nodded as I loved to cook and bake. "So I never really talked to you Mrs. Bitch, are you dating anyone." "That's not how you say my name by yes I am dating someone, and please call me mom."

I looked her up and down. "Who would date you?" I swear I could have seen an arrow go straight through her chest. "Karasuma Tadaomi your teacher." I dropped my knife on the counter. "MY TEACHER!?" She sighed. "Cut the vegetables and yes your teacher and I'm your teacher to you knwo." "I bet he's only dating you cause you have your tits out most the time." I smirk and she calmly put her knife down and turned to me. I took this as a sigh to run and I did after setting my knife down.

"GET BACK HERE MISSY!" Once in the living room the front door opened. "Babe why are you yelling and more importantly who are you yelling at." Once he turned around from putting his coat on the coat rack he saw me and I guess mom on the ground of the living room pillows in hand as Karma looked like he was questioning life. "Good evening hunny welcome back, by he way this is now our child." I stood up a and waved. "Hi there." I then walked back to the kitchen to finish up dinner.

Karma came over and leaned on the counter. "Wow I can't believe you talk to her like that." "What was I to blunt about." I said while not taking my eyes off the vegetables or knife. "Maybe but you'd think she'd at least tell her boyfriend I guess about you you know." He's suddenly being nice meh whatever I'm not letting my gard (I couldn't remember how to spell the word and auto correct dint know it apparently) down. "Yeah I guess but then again  I need a home and family so I guess this makes sense."


We all ate and talked after that Karma went home and I went to bed cause I was tired as fuck.

A/n:sorry not much has happened but here you go I'll post again tomorrow

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