"You don't think we're.." I trailed off.

  Zuko walked over to the window and looked inside. Sokka and I were curious so I walked over to the other side and peeked in with a sigh of relief. Zuko told Sokka that they were fine, they were just having dinner.

   "Whew! I thought maybe your sister had done something awful." Sokka said.

   "Good thing Misu's short cut worked!" Zuko said.

   "So that's really your mom?" Sokka asked looking in.

   "That's her." Zuko replied.

   I looked back at the family. Maybe it was hard for her to do, maybe she had a good reason to do what she did. It was still awful...

   "Kaida..can you come with me?" Zuko asked.

   "Of course.." I nodded.

   "Can you stay here and keep an eye out for Azula?" Zuko asked Sokka.

   "Sure, anything you need, Zuko." Sokka replied.

   I was glad that I never changed back into my Water Tribe clothes, this way they wouldn't be to worried.
   Zuko and I walked to the door and he knocked, Noren opened the door.

   "Noren." Zuko greeted and bowed his head. "I know it's late but I-"

   "I had a feeling you would return." Noren spoke.

   Zuko and I looked confused at each other. "What do you mean?"

   "YIII!" Kiyi clung onto Zuko. "You came back! You guys came back because we're best friends!"

   "Kiyi, it's good to see you again!" Zuko smiled and I giggled at the adorable sight.

   I'm too young for kids. I'm too you young for kids.

   "Ming!" Kiyi smiled at me and Ming quacked happily. The small girl grabbed onto both of our arms dragging us in. "Come eat dinner with us!"

   "We don't want to intrude." I nervously smiled. I also didn't want to be rude to the child.

   "No, please. Join us." Noren smiled closing the door.

   It's not like we could decline now. I told Noriko that I only wanted a little bit of food since they insisted we eat, I lied and told them I already ate but they offered food and I knew it would be disrespectful and rude to not accept.
Kiyi forced me to sit next to her and she fed Ming the grapes that I always carried. She rambled on about things and I found it adorable, relaxing from Azula's future attack.

"You haven't touched your food yet." Noriko spoke to Zuko. "Is something wrong?"

"Do you do this every night?" Zuko asked.

"What, eat dinner?" Kiyi tilted her head. "Doesn't everybody eat dinner every night?"

"No, I meant eat dinner together like this." Zuko answered.

"Yes, of course." Noriko spoke. "That's why we're eating so late. I insisted we wait until Noren came home."

"I appreciate that Dear." Noren replied. "Rehearsal ran over."

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