HMS Warspite

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1st October 1914 07:00am

HMS Warspite and 12 destroyers surge through the shimmering portal soon to be labeled the Great Gate and steamed quickly towards New Leicester harbour when a lookout spots two surface ships 12 miles to their west heading towards the German colony.  HMS Warspite opens fire with all its 4 twin 15-inch main guns scoring 2 hits on the enemy ship. both enemy ships turn to engage the squadron. a few seconds later HMS Warspite fires again. this time hitting 4 times on the lead ship. the lead enemy ship opens fire with its 4 twin  12 inch guns. a destroyer is hit by one of the shells but the rest fall harmlessly.

the exchange of fire lasts for a few minutes and two escorting destroyers are sunk by the two enemy surface ships. eventually the forward magazine of the lead enemy surface ship detonates sending men and chunks of metal dozens of feet into the air. the remaining enemy surface ship immediately withdraws.  two escort destroyers peel off from the squadron to pick up survivors. they pick up 43 survivors of the enemy surface ship and 91 survivors from the sunken destroyers.

at 13:00 hours the HMS Warspite and her 10 destroyers arrived in New Leicester harbour to the sound of Brass bands and loud crowds.

1st October 1914 13:00 hours New Leicester

POV Rear Admiral John William Smith

I watched as the Brass Band began playing Heart of Oak as HMS Warspite hove into view. the crowds began cheering and clapping at the sight of the Dreadnought HMS Warspite. with it came news of a minor Naval battle which HMS Warspite had won earlier in the day. I invited the Captain of the Warspite to Dinner. it was a splendidly colourful affair with 15 different types of wine and about 23 officers of the fleet.

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