The Siege of New Leicester

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(I recommend listening to 1600 men 1917 soundtrack while reading this chapter)
9th February 1915

POV Nobody

the German Army in the Other Earth have marched across the mountainous jungle region to attack the British Colony and capital city in the Other Earth called New Leicester. The German army quickly overruns the outer defences of the city but a quick British counterattack drives them back. the German army is relying on the German navy in the region to cut off New Leicester's supply lines.

POV Private Christopher Smythe 1st battalion 1st New Leicester Volunteer infantry Regiment

The battalion moves out of the forest and 04:50 and is ordered to lie down in a ditch a few metres away from the forest. Other battalions can be seen in the darkness moving to their assigned positions as several field gun batteries attempt to batter the fort into submission. Officers move behind us whispering words of encouragement before we attack. At 05:00 the bombardment is supposed to stop. A few minutes pass of loud explosions and then it goes deathly still. I check my watch. it says 05:00. my regiment has been ordered forward to recapture Fort St  George from the Germans. An officer yells "fix bayonets". I shakily Attach my bayonet to my Lee Enfield Rifle and I hear a whistle behind me. I get up from my belly and begin advancing towards Fort St George. The Fort's guns are being used against us I quickly realize.  As we cross the open ground in front of the fort we come under devastating machine gun fire from the german defenders. to my right I can see several squadrons of British cavalry waiting in the forest ready to go in once the German infantry break and run. to my left there are several more infantry battalions forming up to support our advance. The Regiment reaches the Fort and enters the Fort's trench and tunnel system. The unit quickly becomes disorganized but we drive the enemy back and we secure the guns facing the City.  At this point, several officers detach themselves from the troops securing the guns facing the city and head towards the flag pole with the union jack and they proceed to raise the flag over the fort. 

My platoon heads into the tunnels below the fort. Our brave lieutenant led us toward the barracks all because a captain assembled 3 platoons for the purpose of securing the barracks. The lieutenant opened a door to a corridor leading to the barracks when hundreds of bullets entered him and killed him. The Germans had set up a machine gun position at the other end of the corridor facing the door.  I lobbed a hand grenade through the door and as it exploded halfway down the room I rushed forward with 3 friends. I raised my Lee Enfield and fired at the Machine gun operator hitting him and forcing the others to retreat down towards the barracks.  

As the Germans are pushed back sporadic firefights occur inside and all around the Fort. companies fought companies, platoons fought platoons and sections fought sections. My section was heading for the barracks when many bullets suddenly come whizzing past us from further ahead in the Corridor. the amount of bullets coming past is too large to be fired by a single section of men or even a platoon. I realize that a company of Germans must be ahead. our sergeant was injured a while back. the corporal goes back to find more men leaving command temporarily to me. 

I pull a grenade out and toss it down the corridor towards the Germans after pulling the pin. a few second pass but it feels like minutes then the grenade blows up. I lead the 9 men of my section forward. the uninjured enemy soldiers fire. a few seconds after we charge we collide with the first enemies. The enemy having been unprepared to be fighting men with bayonets begin to flee. I begin thrusting my bayonet into whatever poor unfortunate soul was in front of me wearing an enemy uniform. As a British company arrived from the rear of the German position engaging the enemy in bitter hand to hand combat. we had pretty much cleared the room as the Captain who saved my section entered the room and as I saluted him a previously believed dead German raised his rifle and fired. a bullet entered my shoulder and I begin to collapse. As I collapsed I looked at my watch and saw the time. It read 09:17.

Author's Notes

guys what do you think please comment below. this I think is the largest chapter so far in this story. did you expect that ending? again I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.

This is no longer the longest chapter.

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