They just needed something to feel... Normal again. So for now, things were structured like this. And they would remain this way for a short while, until Bonesborough was back up and running the way that it normally was.

Honestly, she was just thankful that Valeween was an irregular event. She couldn't imagine going through this every single year.

That people were still working together to help everyone get through this mess, and that they were still bending rules after Valeween, and embracing that sense of community - Luz couldn't help but smile at that.

If she ever did go back to Earth, that was something she wanted to take with her. Earth could learn a lot from the Isles.

Arriving at her destination, and after making sure that no one else was around to see her, or was in any of the neighbouring sections that they might hear the mechanisms at work, Luz walked down the aisle and stood in front of the bookcase that led to her friend's secret room. She couldn't help but notice the titles of the various books, and looked up at the section banner above the bookcase, though she already knew what it said.


Luz couldn't help but feel her cheeks redden. Fate had a sense of irony, if nothing else.

She reached for the book that acted as a secret lever, and took a step back as the wall opened up, and granted her access. Quickly, she entered, and closed the entrance behind her, so no one would know the room was there - This room was still private to Amity, and Luz didn't want others knowing about it if she could help it.

"Amity?" She asked, wanting to see if the Witch was here before she stepped into the room proper. "Amity, you in here?"

Silence came back, so Luz took a few steps into the room.

And it was empty. Luz sighed. She had had a feeling that this would have ended up being the case, but... Well, she had hoped that she would be wrong.

The room felt... Weird without Amity there. It wasn't the first time that Luz had been back to Amity's secret room since she first learned it existed - Amity had actually allowed Luz into the room several times in the past. While in there, the pair of them would do homework, read together, or just talk. It made Luz feel proud, knowing that she was one of the only people that Amity was okay with being in this room... Though now, she knew the reason why Amity had let her in.

It didn't feel the same without her here.

Briefly, Luz checked her Scroll again, and couldn't help but let out another sigh as she saw that she had no new notifications from Amity.

But she could see that Amity had seen the message.

Somehow, that was worse than the idea that she hadn't even seen the message at all. Like she was aware that Luz was looking for her, but just wanted to ignore her, and hope that she would go away, and not try to get in contact with her again.

Granted, really, it was only a matter of time until they ran into one another again. In the worst case scenario, Luz would just have to wait until Hexside reopened, and unless Amity planned to literally move schools, or just skip classes entirely, she wouldn't be able to put this off forever. But that... That wasn't how Luz wanted to do this. If she had to, she would, but...

...That didn't mean she liked the idea of Amity being so afraid of her that she'd put off even seeing her until the last possible second. She didn't want Amity to be afraid of her. She wanted to...

...She just wanted to figure things out between the two of them. Know where they stood. And what the hell she felt towards Amity.

Because she was becoming both increasingly unsure, and certain at the same time.

A Valeween Night To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now