The Chorus

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It was nearly impossible to properly describe what exactly the music that filled the plaza sounded like for Luz. The instruments used were ones that she had never even seen before.

From what she could tell from the distance that she was at from them, one of them looked like a weird hybrid combination of a harp and a drum-set. Another seemed like a trombone, but with cords on one side, and piano-keys on the other, which extended and retracted like an accordion did. One seemed to be plant-like, almost - As in, one of the band members was just holding a plant, and that was making some sort of music, and Luz wouldn't even pretend to even begin to understand how that one worked.

In true Boiling Isles fashion, one of the instruments seemed like it was alive, armed with a pair of wings and fangs, and made noises by the scratching of what looked like fur in certain places. It was hard to know if the instrument was just an object or an actual living creature. Or, again, in true Boiling Isles fashion, if it was both. Luz had never seen an instrument quite like it before.

She'd never seen any of these instruments in Bard Classes, for that matter. She had to assume they were some sort of antique type of instrument - Maybe Valeween-specific traditional instruments that only got brought out for the Festivus and the Passover Chorus. It wasn't like that would be out of character for the Isles.

The sounds they made sounded like metal - That was the closest thing that Luz could describe them as. Like when someone struck a piece of sheet metal, and the sound reverberated as the substance wobbled in hand. But it was so much more refined than that, like it was carefully given purpose over hours of crafting and testing, like a guitar that had been perfectly tuned. The music was slow and precise, careful, and deliberate. It was music, but it wasn't anything that Luz could begin to describe by comparing it to Earth genres or instruments.

Classical music lessons - Or at least the Bard Track's equivalent - had taught Luz to recognise at least some, though not all, of the techniques present in the music. The patterns, the way it sped up and slowed down in small, isolated parts, and the way the music almost led those around it from one move into another. It's rhythms were designed to be for people to dance with each other. It made it easier for her to realize where the beats were, where the rhythm was taking her, and when to move her feet and hands.

And this wasn't the first time she had danced with Amity.

But it was the first time that things were this slow. This... The only real word for it was intimate, no matter what feelings that word sparked within Luz's chest.

This was an intimate dance, and the way that she and Amity held one another felt just as intimate too.

Neither of them held the other as closely as they had held one another at Grom - One hand held one another, while Luz's left hand rested on Amity's waist. Amity's right hand on Luz's left shoulder. They were about as far away from one another as they could physically be while still maintaining this position, mostly out of the lack of certainty as to how close the other wanted them to be.

Dancing itself was easy - It was the feelings that were being ignited that made the whole process more difficult.

Their movements were slow. Simple, basic, and deliberate. Nowhere near as energetic, complex, and improvised as Grom.

But it was nice.

"...It's weird." Luz eventually said, after they had danced for a few moments in near complete silence. Everything else was almost silent around her - No one else was speaking, and the only sound came from the music. A part of her wanted to speak just to break the monotony of the silence, though she did actually have an observation to make.

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