The Passover Festivus

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Tonight, Amity was going to make sure she kept a cool head about all of this.

Tonight, she was going to make sure that she didn't panic, or freak out, or anything like that.

Tonight, she was going to go to the Festivus with Luz. And they would have fun. And they would talk. And if Luz knew how she felt about her...

...Then, whatever happened, would happen. And Amity would be a liar if she said she wasn't afraid of the possibilities that came with that.

All of this mattered to her. Her friendship with Luz. These feelings she had for her. Everything that they had.

But she wasn't going to freak out tonight. She wasn't going to panic. She was going to go to the Passover Festivus with Luz. She was going to ask if Luz wanted to take part in the Passover Chorus with her. And they would have a good time.

"Tonight." Amity repeated to herself, before closing her eyes, letting out a long exhale, and walking out the front door.

Tugging at the waistcoat so it went an inch or two further down from her neck, Luz took another look at herself in the mirror. The contrast of colour that the grey waistcoat had on the bright red of the short-dress made both of them seem to stand out better, and the small, tiny patterns that were present all over the outside of the waistcoat that criss-crossed and weaved in and over one another looked like they stood out more in this lighting. And the black suit pants that she had highlighted the red further - It all complimented each other.

The clothes felt good to wear, too - Maybe a bit warmer than the clothes Luz was used to wearing, but she could manage that. They felt comfortable to wear, and they didn't restrict her movement whatsoever - She could do somersaults in them if she wanted to.

For a while, she had thought about doing her hair up, like she had done at Grom - But she decided against it. She liked the look she had with her hair as it normally was in tandem with these clothes. Somehow, it felt like it complimented the whole thing. Luz wasn't a fashion expert though, so she couldn't begin to explain why she felt like that. Fashion expert or not though, she did have an artist's eye. She knew when something looked good, and right now, she did.

She continued to look at the outfit, and at her face in the mirror. Something about it all felt... A bit unreal, like she wasn't quite looking at herself, but at someone else. In a way, she sort of was, when she thought about it. The person she was looking at right now looked like they had been hardened by the environment they had found themselves within. They looked more tired, but optimistic at the same time.

Right now, she... Kind of felt similar to how she did on the first day that she arrived on the Boiling Isles - Anxious, nervous, not entirely sure what she was getting into - But at the same time, excited, eager, and wanting to find out what she was going to find here. A chance to engage in a world that gave her the opportunities to do what she always wanted to, and would never be able to on Earth. And so much had happened, she had met so many people, and been in so many situations that she had grown and changed from - She wasn't the same person who arrived on the Isles six months ago.

And the person in the mirror was all of these things too, but... It was hard to describe. A part of her felt like she did back when she arrived here. Like she was just as anxious, nervous, and unaware as she was when she arrived.

Maybe those feelings had to do with the Passover Festivus. In apprehension of what she had to look forward to, tonight.

Almost certainly, actually.

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