Comfortable Awkwardness

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"So... How did it go?" Luz's hands shovelled into the pockets of her jacket, and she tilted her head slightly towards the Witch walking next to her. "You and Boscha haven't exactly talked much... In months, now that I think about it. Did anything happen?"

"Nothing happened." Amity assured her. "We just talked. It was..."

For a moment, Amity considered, replaying the encounter in her head, and comparing it to all the previous interactions that she had had with her former friend. Unquestioningly, it had been a vast improvement, that wasn't even up for debate. But still, that didn't mean that she fully knew how she felt about the whole affair, or what she thought about Boscha now.

"...Better than I expected." She said, eventually. "I... I think I'd need to speak to her more to really say one way or the other."

Just because she was undeniably better than she was in the past didn't mean Amity was convinced that she was suddenly a decent person. But it didn't mean she could, or was going to, dismiss the entire idea outright. Especially given the nature, and one of the causes of that change.

She and Boscha had both gone down almost the exact same route, just for different people, and had ended up at similar places. It would be hypocritical to not at least give her the opportunity now.

Or rather, let Willow give her the opportunity, since that was what it came down to at the end of the day.

"...What about her and Willow?" Luz asked, tentatively, her mind apparently in the same place. "D'you think those two are, y'know..."

"...That depends on Willow."

The terms 'Awkward' and 'Comfortable' were usually in direct contradiction to one another. They meant completely different things, and were extremely distinct feelings from one another. Luz had felt both of them plenty of times before, especially ever since arriving on the Boiling Isles, and hadn't thought that it was possible for anything to feel both comfortable and awkward at the same time.

But that was how it felt now, talking, and walking next to Amity, passing trees, and the occasional other person as they made their way down the path between Hexside and Bonesborough. A slightly awkward, but comfortable walk.

Really, it shouldn't have been comfortable in any way, and maybe comfortable wasn't the right word - It was difficult for Luz to describe. Given what she knew about Amity's feelings towards her though, there was a part of her brain that was telling her that she shouldn't be as relaxed and comfortable around her as she had been for the last week, or as comfortable as she was right now. Pretty much everything that she had grown up seeing, from books, to films, to how the people she went to school with back on Earth acted around people that even she could tell had crushes on one another, or knew someone else had a crush on them, told her that she shouldn't be comfortable in this situation.

But it didn't change the fact that she just... Was. She just was comfortable around Amity.

Maybe it was because it wasn't like the last time this had happened when people had done this for a prank, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Amity was telling the truth. Maybe she had finally gotten used to the idea of people even liking her as a person - If not necessarily in a romantic sense. Maybe it was how much she valued Amity's friendship, and how she knew that because of that, because of how close they were irrespective of all of this, she could trust Amity. She didn't know - But make sense or not, Luz simply was comfortable around her, even knowing what she did.

Both of them walked down the path from Hexside headed towards Bonesborough, down the same path that they would normally take whenever they left the school for the day. Given that for the last couple of weeks, the school had been closed to prepare for Valeween, and allow people to recover from the aftermath of it, walking down said path again was almost comforting in and of itself - Something familiar among a sea of uprooted routines and feelings. No matter how small it was, that little bit of familiarity did bring a feeling of comfort to the pair of them. One small bit of consistency in a sea of confusion.

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