Chapter 4

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The next day started like a any other day. Horror fried eggs for everyone in the kitchen. Cross showed up for breakfast first. He was always punctual about meal times. Then Error came from his Antivoid to the free meal. He sat next to Cross waiting for food. Horror offered to them full plate of toasts, eggs and oranges. Everything seemed like a normal routine. Dust walked really slowly towards the dining room. He didn't want to go there, but he also didn't want to raise suspicions, by not joining for breakfast. He stopped when he saw Horror eating with others. He wanted him to leave the room before he would go there. He stayed standing around the corner until someone pushed him forwards. Killer showed up behind his back who told him to move on. Other Sanses noticed them, so Dust had to join them at the table. He sat on the chair and started to stare down. He didn't want to look Horror straight to the eye because he was ashamed. His friend brought breakfest to him. Horror sat next to Dust, who was rotating the fork in his hand. Everyone was eating their breakfast quietly. Dust tried to keep his thoughts together. He tried focus on his breakfast. Suddenly he felt something touching his leg. He was starled and got up screaming. Everyone started to stare at him. Dust started to blushing and he sat down quickly. He was so ashamed that he would have liked to die in that place.

Error: "Okay, what's wrong with everybody? Everyone has been oddly silent if not that Dust's scream is not taken into account. "

Cross: "I don't know and I don't care. I'm out of this shit."

Cross left his friends and went to train in training room.

Error: "I knew you three scumbags have something to hide."

Dust: "Who do you call a scumbag?"

Error: "You, you fucking scumbag."

Dust was so angry that Horror and Killer had to hold him down. Horror grabbed Dust by the arm and led him elsewhere to calm down. Killer stayed with Error and tried to quiet him down.

Dust: "Someday I will beat your ass."

Error: "Don't get too cocky. You scumbags have to know your places."

Horror followed his annoyed friend. Dust turned around to ask what he wanted from him.

Horror: "I want to talk with you."

Dust: "But I don't want to talk with you. Look, I joined to Nightmare's gang to gain LOVE, not love or anything like that."

Horror stayed silently watching as his friend angrily mumbling continued his journey. He decided to harden his soul and suppress his feelings. He decided to forget everything that happened between them.

Nightmare ordered his men to come to his room. Everyone came one by one listening to what he had to say.

Nightmare: "Thanks to your stupid action from yersterday, Cross had to do extra job. He has figured out where Star Sanses have been able to hide the apple and there is three potential AU's where it could be. Today we are going to one of them."

Nightmare divided his subordinates again in pairs, but this time each had a different partner. This time he was with Killer, Cross was with Error and Horror was with Dust. Nightmare opened portal to Sludgetale that others had never heard of.

Nightmare: "Better not to kill anyone."

The world of Sludgetale looked similar as any AU. There were the Ruins, Snowdin, Hotland, etc. that looked as if they were from the original tale. Only monsters looked different. They were completely dark, as if they were full of tar or something. It was time to split. Every pair got own area to search any sign of Star Sanses and the apple. Nightmare and Killer went to the Snowdin. Killer wanted so badly to kill some innocent monsters and he gently kicked and poked one with his knife without slicing its skin into the blood. Nightmare shook his skull and sighed in frustration.

Killer: "Come on, Boss. I just try to give you negative feelings."

Nightmare: "The only things I can feel here is your joy of your teasing and the astonishment of that monster, you idiot. And we have to avoid contact with monsters, because we don't want to get the attention of the boss monsters. We have no time to start fighting with them, understood?"

Killer: "Yes, my love."

Nightmare: "Boss!"

Killer: "Whatever you say, Boss."

Horror and Dust searched apple in waterfall. There was really peaceful and monsters were seldom met. Some water monster tried to fight with them, but the skeletons let them go after soft attacks. Dust was little bit cranky because he could not kill anyone and that's why he couldn't get any exp. Because of that, he was unable to focus on the search. Horror began to be annoyed by his friend's indifference and he slapped him lightly in the skull.

Horror: "Keep your thoughts together, buddy. I can sense someone staring at us. It has been following us for some time."

Dust: "I hope it attacks us. I get bored."

At the very moment the spear flew at a violent speed between the two.

Dust: "Shit. I recognize that sharp stick. It's..."

Horror: "Undyne."

A long, dark fish lady with heavy armor jumped in front of them. She stared angrily at the duo and set out to walk menacingly towards them. She said she had been following their hustle for a longer time and now she decided to stop their intentions. She challenged them to a battle, to which the skeleton duo responded with a laugh. Dust whispered anxiously to his friend.

Dust: "We are screwed. She won't stop until we're dead. What can we do when we can't even hurt her."

Horror: "Teleport us somewhere else?"

Dust: "I don't think it will help for very long. She will quickly find us again. However, maybe we will save time with that."

Before they had time to do anything, Undyne attacked and separated the guys from each other. Horror took his kitchen axe and parried the spears flying towards him. Dust dodged the pikes smoothly and fired back with a gaster blaster that hit his opponent. Undyne's skin oscillated ominously, but she continued fighting. Horror told his friend to be more careful. Dust got irritated and asked what should he do then. Horror had no idea how to resolve the situtation. It seemed hopeless.

Killer and Nightmare walked nearby and they heard fighting noises. They went in the direction of the voice and noticed Horror and Dust fighting against a strong monster. Nightmare calmly watched the fight and was amazed at how well the two were able to join forces. Their cooperation went very well and they knew how to defend each other. The fighting skeletons began to get tired. Dust paused for a moment to gasp for breath until suddenly he felt a stabbing pain in his side. The spear had pierced his rib, from which blood began to seep. He looked up and saw Undyne attacking him. Horror saw the situation and decided to act quickly. He thought this battle would never end, so now a decisive move had to be made. He aimed accurately and threw a meat knife directly at the enemy. Kitchen axe cut Undyne's neck and her head fell to the ground. Her body began to turn into sludge and eventually it exploded, flying smelly mud around.

A little further afield, Cross and Error had gone through many places without seeing a trace of Star Sanses. They decided to go look for their groupmates until they smelled the rotten smell in the air.

Error: "Seems someone has killed someone."

Cross: "Let's go to see what has happened."

They walked in the direction of the smell and after a short distance noticed the rest of their group members in front of them. They saw Horror and Dust covered in smelly sludge. Nightmare stood beside looking at them in frustration.

Nightmare: "Look what happens when you don't obey me. Take you all lessons from this. Let's go home. We've seen enough here already."

Nightmare opened a portal to home and commanded everyone to step in. Horror and Dust were allowed to come last.

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