Harry Sick (Narry Bromance)

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This one is a prompt from @TommoTheTotalTease. Hope you like it :)


"Harry, mate, what's taking so long" Niall said knocking on the bathroom door. He had been waiting for approximately 15 minutes and the muffled gag like coughs coming from inside were worrying him. "I'm coming out Niall, geez" he heard from the other side of the door. "I need to wee, hurry up" "Ya ya" Harry said unlocking the door. He looked ghostly pale, but considering it was 4am it wasn't noticeable in the dark. "Did you throw up in here or what" Niall joked at the foul smell in the bathroom. Harry started letting out the tears he had kept bottled in him. "Haz?" Niall said, noticing the younger boys quiet sobs. "I was just kidding" he tried to soothe him. Harry pulled Niall closer to himself and cried into the blonde's shoulder.

"Harry, why are you crying?" Niall asked. "I don't feel good" Harry replied. It was then when Niall noticed the heat radiating off of the curly headed boy. "You're warm, like, feverishly warm. What kind of not feeling good?" "My tummy hurts and I'm freezing" he whined. 'Poor lad' Niall thought. "Let's take your temperature then you can sleep again" Niall suggested. Harry nodded, sniffling . Niall took the shivering boys' temperature and wasn't shocked at the reading. "101, you're sick" Niall said. "I figured the last bit when i was busy puking my guts out" "Wait, you actually threw up?" Harry nodded and slipped his hand under his shirt. "How long had you been in there?" "i dunno, maybe a couple of hours or more" Harry said making Niall frown. "Bed or here on the couch" "here" Harry mumbled. "I'll get you a blanket bud, move over" Harry moved just enough for Niall to get up. The older boy returned with a blanket and threw it over the ill boy. He placed a bin on the floor by his head. "Thanks Ni" Harry said and drifted off into a restless sleep. Niall stayed with him till Liam woke up.

"Hi, Niall. What are you doing up this early?" Liam asked when he woke up a couple of hours later. Niall shushed him pointing towards Harry. "What's up with him?" Liam asked, whispering. "He had a fever and said that he threw up and his stomach hurt. Been up since 4 with him." Niall whispered back. "Shit, he's burning up" Liam said as he felt Harry's forehead. "It was at 101, not sure if it's increased or not" "It definitely has, that's a fever higher than 101 for sure." Niall pulled the thermometer from his back pocket and handed it to Liam, already knowing he was going to ask for it. "102.6, geez, get some fever reducers" Liam said and Niall ran off nodding as he left. Harry was still asleep. 'Man, he's out cold, he's really not feeling well' Liam thought looking at his sleeping bandmate.

He came back and set the pills down on the side and just as they decided to not wake the poorly boy, Louis walked in. "MORNIN' LADS!!" he said at the top of his voice getting shushed by Liam and Niall. "What?" he said, softer. "Harry's not well" Liam said. "We're letting him sleep, poor lad didn't sleep till 4 and he's got a fever, so shut up before you wake him up" Niall said. "Too late, I'm up" Harry said, sounding more hoarse than ever because of his sore throat. "You sound and look like shit" Louis commented. "I feel it too" "Harry, take some of this. It'll help with that fever of yours" Liam said, handing Harry a couple of pills. To everyone's shock, Harry took them without protest and gulped them down with a cup full of water. They would usually have to wrestle him to get the medicine in. "Bad idea" Harry said picking up the bucket and sitting up fully. He gagged and spewed the medicine along with some food from the previous night's dinner.

"You feel awful don't ya H" Niall said. Harry nodded and lay back down curling into a ball. " 'M freezing" Harry mumbled "WHAT!! It's like *checks temperature in the room* 97 degrees in here!!" Louis screamed in shock making Harry wince. "You're making my head hurt Lou, stop fucking screaming" Harry whisper-screamed. He hadn't noticed the building headache till Louis turned it into an everlasting migraine. His brain felt like it was going to explode. Liam asked Niall to get him a few towels soaked in cold water and Louis to bring some ice. Both boys did as they were told and gave it to Liam who wrapped some ice in the towel and placed it on Harry's head.

"Li what do we do about the interview?" Niall questioned. "I really don't know" Liam answered. "Let's see how he's doing in some time" Louis suggested and the others agreed. Harry was sleeping through Niall was worried sick about his friend and couldn't think of anything else but Harry.

Harry woke up from his nap, feeling better still not feeling great but better none the less. "Hey bud, feeling better?" "Sorta" "Will you be fine for the interview or feeling too sick for that" Harry thought for a moment before answering that he would be fine. Liam felt the boy's forehead and announced that his fever had gone down a significant amount.

Harry started feeling worse by the time they got to the venue. He was getting the churning feeling in his gut again but he figured he would last without throwing up and he did. The interview went well but by the end of it he was feeling like absolute crap. He got Louis to pull over and he was sick on the side of the road.

Louis helped an embarrassed Harry back into the car. He was furious at the paparazzi. They were taking pics of his Hazza while he was clearly not well. The boys in the backseat comforted him and made sure he didn't get sick again. They took great care of him and tried to keep those papped pics of him vomiting away from him but Harry found them anyway.


Shitty ending, I know. Hope you liked it!!


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