Succubus Love

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Angel Pov

Today was not one of my best days because honestly, it feels like the hotel is very similar to the studio I work for

First, if we're doing comparisons the three V's remind me so much of the three tormentors of this hotel.

Charlie reminds me of velvet, Vaggie reminds me of Vox, and Alastor reminds me of well take a guess, but to be honest Al reminds me of him in a good way he's not as abusive as Valentino

We've been hanging out together at the bar with husk and Niffty, Baxter, and Mizsy, and I've honestly been having fun all this interaction with them has built up the confidence to ask Al out on a date

I'll skip all the boring details and just say he said yes but then never came he stood me up and what made it worse was that when he got back to the hotel I found him drunk at the bar husk wasn't there so I knew he couldn't be the one giving him the drinks nobody was there

"Al wake up," I said well shaking his lifeless body

He woke up but he was so drunk I don't even know he knew what he was saying the other started slowly coming in but I didn't care I wanted to make sure that he was okay while trying not to get pissed

"You stood me up on our date why," I asked annoyed

"Because darling I *hic* didn't want to go on that *hic* stupid date with a slut *hic* like you any way you *hic* piece of trash," Alastor said to me and I knew he wasn't lying

You see whenever Al gets drunk he always tells the truth whether he realizes it or not, and that's how I figured he wasn't lying to me. The others immediately backed up, but I stopped them from leaving and sat their ass's down on the couch. I didn't want them to leave just in case there was something I was missing.

Then once I kept everyone from leaving he started telling me more stuff about what happened after I had asked him out

Flashback (third-person Pov)

So it turns out after Angel had left to get ready Al turns back to the others who all look genuinely surprised that he said yes except for Baxter he didn't seem to care but he did listen

"You're really going to go out with him I thought you were you know not into that kind of thing," Husk said while drinking his cheap booze

"Hahaha, oh husker my friend don't you know I have a reputation to uphold," Al said mockingly

"So what are you going to do about angel you are going aren't you" Vaggie questioned

"My dear I'm not going out with him that was just something I said to get him off my back, I have no need to go out with someone like him" Alastor admitted

"But what about angel his heart's going to be broken," Charlie said really worried

"Not if he doesn't find out, and so what if he does his feelings are irrelevant to me," Al said as he walked out

*He is going to die again if Angel finds out* Baxter and Mizsy said in their head cuz they knew that was the truth

Flashback over (Angle Pov)

After I found this out I was so heartbroken cuz I had started to develop feelings for him that I ran out of the hotel without giving them a second thought by this point I was already sober but I didn't care Al just didn't want to be around people who would do this to me

*I was so wrong he is like that shit face Valentino! They're all like that Goddamn studio they're no different!*

I ran to bloody Park and I started crying in the maze Hedges while thinking the worst type of stuff I could ever think

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