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Marinette Pov

I can't believe she just did that… I can't believe I would do that… why… why does this happen to me… this always happens to me

Earlier that week

It been a while since Lila was exposed for her lying everyone was apologizing to me and I felt so happy but they didn't make the stress go away about being a ladybug everyone in my class having a miraculous heck two boys outside my class have miraculous is now so I can't watch him

But none of them know I have a miraculous they don't know I'm the one who gave it to them which made what happened that day a real pain… it broke my heart

"Hey Marinette we're all going to go with Max to play video games at the arcade you want to join us" Kim asked me holding on his hand same way Luca and Adrian did

"I'm sorry but I can't I've got something important I need to do see you guys later"

This continued to happen each day. Something exciting and fun was to come up, but I would always have to decline… keeping secrets from them it hurts… but unfortunately there's nothing else I could do. If someone else knows what's going on maybe they could help me, but no one knows not Luka, not Alia, not even Adrian. I'm the guardian I should be able to handle this… but I can't sense there's no one who can help me

Adrian Pov

I noticed Marinette had seemed more upset lately I clenched down on the lucky charm she gave me for my birthday. I started to give up on ladybug and focus on a girl I want to be in love with


But of course my father wouldn't have never accepted her so I confided in my friends and

"Finally" everyone screamed even Luka

At first I was confused but then eventually everyone explains me how Marinette was in love with me as well even Luka wanted to help me and her get together

"Wow I can't believe I've been so blind I would explain her name being on the scarf" I said Alia looked at me shocked

We were all talking about how we want to throw a party to celebrate how much she meant to us and how much we appreciated her but unfortunately things went South

The day of the party

Everything was in place the cake the banner everything everyone was so excited and I was ready to tell her how I felt but then

"This is amazing everyone tha-"

"Are you kidding me you're going to throw a party for this loser when you get about someone like me. Yeah sure we all appreciate Marinette, guess what this whole party was some big joke some friends you all are, or are you just so blind by someone as stupid as her? Why would you want her, or you just feeling pity because of what she did! She might have exposed me but there's no way you will actually care about her" we heard a voice yell such hateful words I mean you immediately it was Lila

Marinette had fallen into me and Luka's arms so we felt her shaking and sadness and in fear

"But then again it only makes sense a loser like her would only be pathetic friends like you, even you Adrian I thought you could do better! You know full of your dad's not going to accept her, why do you bother you're all dense, and I hope you all realize that this was a waste of everyone's time nothing about her is appreciative and she's just a waste of space" she screamed as Marinette let go of me and Luka and ran away crying

We were all so angry so much so we never Something hovering over us… waiting

"How could she say such awful things" Alix said in anger

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