Chapter 8: Fame

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-The woman in the picture above is how I imagine Lynn to look like. The woman's actual name is Amanda Lear and she's a French singer and model. I really adore her so I thought she'd be a good base for Lynn-


The next morning Lynn woke up in Ziggy's arms. He was spooning her from above. Lynn smiled happily. This was the thing she never knew she needed.

Since Ziggy was still asleep, she tried to not wake him up when she got out of bed. But that didn't work.

When she got out of his hug, Ziggy slowly opened his eyes. "Good Morning, sleepyhead", Lynn said. "Good Morning", Ziggy still sleepy and smiled at her.

"What do you wanna do today before you have to go to the studio this evening?", Lynn asked him.

"Actually only watch TV with you but I have to work on some other songs that I want to show Tony today", he told her and slowly stood up. "I could help you with that", she said nicely. "I'd love that!", he meant.

So they spend the day watching TV and working on songs. In the evening Ziggy went to the studio in London and recorded "Space Oddity". He also showed Tony his other songs and he said he loved them and wanted to record them as well.

The next day "Space Oddity" was published and it was a total success. The people loved it and the wanted to see it live so Ziggy played a lot of gigs with the help of Lynn playing some guitar and supporting him in every way.

The bigger his fame grew, the more he wasn't sad about his home and family.

At least that's what Lynn believed. But one evening she caught him looking out of the window wall into the stars with a sad expression on his face longing for his home.

That was the day Lynn decided she had to do something. She had to help him getting home. She just couldn't see him like that.

So when Ziggy was in the studio recording his songs or hanging out with his band mates "The Spiders from Mars", she drove to the farmhouse, went into the forest and took some human technology and lots of books with her.

She tried to build a transmitter to reach his home. But she knew it would take a while. A very long while.

One evening, when Lynn was asleep already, Ziggy came home from recording his new album and went directly to the bedroom. "Lynn!", he whisper screamed and kissed her cheek. "Lynn wake up.", he said.

She than woke up. "Ziggy....what's wrong?", she asked very sleepy. "We finished recording the album today and Tony wants me to go on tour! First in England than maybe also America, Europe and Japan!", he said excited.

Lynn jerked up. "Shut up! Never!", she said unbelieving. Ziggy nodded excited. "Oh my god this is just incredible! I'm so happy for you, Ziggy", she said and hugged him.

"When will you go?", Lynn asked. "In some weeks when we published the album.", he said. "Wow that's not that long", Lynn said a little sad. "But you will come with me, won't you?", Ziggy asked.

Lynn looked down. "Ziggy....I wish I could. But I have a job and I can't risk losing it.", Lynn said sadly. "But....I need you!", Ziggy said a little desperate. But Lynn knew she couldn't go.

She didn't want to lose her job and she also had to finish the Transmitter to reach Mars. "I'm so sorry! I need you too. More than you'd ever believe but I just can't. Even though I want to. So baldy", she said tearing up.

"It's okay", Ziggy suddenly said. "I understand", he said and set next to her in bed. But Lynn could see that he was also crying. She slipped closer to him and laid her head in his shoulder. Ziggy took her hin his arms. "We'll survive, darling. Somehow", he joked.

Lynn nodded. "Yes somehow.".

After a little while they went to sleep. The next morning Lynn woke up by Ziggy standing next to the bed, coughing his lungs out. She immediately stood up and ran to him.

"Oh shit Ziggy! Are you okay?", she asked very worried. He nodded. "Yeah I'm good. It's nothing.", he said his voice still rough and went into the bathroom.

He said it was nothing but it surely wasn't.
The air on earth was thicker than on Mars.

Humans could easily survive on Mars without any problem. But Marsians can't handle the thick air forever. Their lungs would rip open after some time.

Ziggy had no idea what to do. He couldn't go home but he felt how his lung was slowly giving up.

Should he tell Lynn? No, she'd just worry to much. "I'll go on tour anyway and there I'll find a solution", he thought.

But it got worse. And Lynn wasn't blind. She noticed that Ziggy was even paler than usual.

"Ziggy I can't see you like that anymore, love! You should really see a doctor! You' re so pale and your coughing is getting worse. I'm really worried about you." "No I can't. If the doctor sees my overly big heart and lungs, they'll call NASA and the FBI or something.", he said.

"But we have to do something. You're sick, darling. I'm not blind!", Lynn said a bit desperate. "It's nothing! I promise you. I'm okay!", Ziggy tried to calm her.

"Do you think I'm stupid?! Do you really think that I believe it's nothing!", Lynn now almost shouted angrily.

"No I don't but please that's kinda my own business, okay?", he said determined. Lynn didn't answer him this time. She went out of the living room in anger.

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