Chapter 2: Ziggy Stardust

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Ziggy Stardust

After some hours of thinking and reading a book, Lynn went to sleep too and laid down in her parents' old bed.

The next morning, Lynn woke up early. She got out of bed and went into the kitchen. After making some coffee, she decided to look if the man she saved yesterday had already woken up. She knocked at the door and went inside.

The man shocked and was just about to stand up and run away, when Lynn said: "oh I'm sorry. Please, please calm down. I didn't want to scare you." The man started to calm down and looked at her, still scared.

"I don't know how much you remember of yesterday but there was a shard of metal stuck in your stomach because you crashed to earth with your strange flying thing. I pulled it out and covered the wound as best as I could", Lynn explained.
The man pulled up the sweater and looked at his wound that was still covered by bandages.

Lynn slowly came closer. "I'm Lynn by the way".
"Ziggy", he said it looked up again. "Ziggy Stardust". "What?", Lynn asked confused. "That' name", he meant. "Oh! Nice to meet you. Do you want some coffee?.", Lynn offered friendly. Ziggy nodded shyly. Lynn smiled and got some coffee for Ziggy and sat down next to him.

"Thank you, Lynn. You wouldn't have needed to save me.", Ziggy said, a little more confident now. "Of course I had to! I couldn't have left you there. Why even did you crash down?".

" I don't know yet. I should take a look when I'm feeling better. It all went by so fast, I didn't even have time to look what's wrong.", Ziggy explained.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Mr. Stardust.", Lynn said. "Please call me Ziggy.", he said and smiled slightly. Lynn was still wondering what that strange orb on his head was but she didn't want to be impolite so she stood up and told Ziggy that she would make some breakfast and he followed her to the kitchen.

"Oh I remember this room", he said. "That's good! So you can remember the most that happened yesterday.". After having some breakfast they had a little conversation about their lives and Lynn told him that she actually lived in London but was born in this house. She also told him that she worked as an actress and musician in the London theater.

"A musician! So you can play instruments?", Ziggy asked. "Yes mostly the violin but also the guitar. And I sometimes even sing, well that's actually a thing that you have to do as an actor but I really like it.", Lynn explained. "Do you play any instruments?", she asked. Ziggy wasn't sure how to answer but he knew that the guitar was a similar instrument to what he had at home so he answered: "Yes I can play the guitar as well." "How nice!", Lynn said amazed.

"Could we maybe get some fresh air?", Ziggy asked after some minutes. "Of course!", Lynn said and helped him to get up. They went outside and sat down on the little veranda. It was a sunny day and the grass had a shiny green colour, as did the trees of the close forest. Ziggy closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air. He seemed to be really enjoying the weather.

Lynn watched him and she remembered what she thought yesterday. She thought that he was quite beautiful and that thought hadn't changed a bit. He opened his eyes again and Lynn noticed that one of his pupils was bigger than the other. Ziggy noticed her confused stare. "I was born with it", he laughed a bit.
"Oh uhm I'm sorry for staring", she said embarrassed. "It's OK", he still laughed. "I was staring too, while we were talking in the kitchen, I have to admit.", Ziggy said. Lynn smiled. "Maybe that's just our way of getting to know each other", Lynn joked. Ziggy giggeled. "Yeah maybe". They still sat there for a while and then went inside again.

-I rly hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave a feedback in the comments and I'd be thankful for a vote❤️-

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