Chapter 4: Melody

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She could see glowing plants of all colors in a huge cave. When she skipped the picture, she saw the houses of some Marsians and pictures of Ziggy and other people.

"Oh my god", she said. "That's just....I don't have words for this beauty.", she gasped. Ziggy smiled softly "Yeah I really miss it", he said looking down.

Lynn put down the glases and took his hand. "I'm so sorry Ziggy. I wish I could help you somehow. Is there any way to fix your ship?", she asked sadly. "No unfortunately not. The Reaktor is damaged and I don't have the things I need to fix it.". "Damnit", Lynn cursed.

After a moment of silence Ziggy told Lynn he would go and look for some clothes he still had inside the ship. When he came back, he was wearing a red and green striped suit with golden shoulder pads. He was also carrying some other clothes he found. "Now these are unusual clothes!", Lynn said a little joking.

"On earth they surely are but if you'd come to Mars they'd say the same about your clothes.".
"I'm sure they would", Lynn giggled. "Shall we go again?", Ziggy asked. "Of course!".

When they were back at Lynn's house they set down on the sofa together. "Oh I forgot to tell you that I have a show at the London theatre this evening. Care to join me?", she asked, hoping he'd say yes. "I would love to!", he said excited. "I was hoping you'd say that", she admitted.

They spend some time watching Tv and in the early evening they set down in Lynn's car and started their way to London. After a car ride of nearly and hour, they had finally arrived in London.

It was already dark outside and Ziggy looked out of the car window, admiring the beautiful lights of London, which reminded him of his home. "It's beautiful here! It never gets dark, even at night", he said amazed. Lynn smiled. "I love it here too, that's why I chose to live here".

"Then why do you live in that farm house at the moment?", Ziggy wondered confused. "Oh my parents died a few weeks ago and I'm thinking about selling the house. I just wanted to live there for a last few weeks.", she admitted. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that", Ziggy said regretting he even asked that question.

"We can sleep in my actual flat tonight, if you want to", Lynn suggested. "Sure why not! This City really is worth spending a night in", he said.

They drove to the parking spot in front of the theatre and got out of the car. „Are you sure I can wear my usual clothes?", Ziggy asked as he noticed the confused stares of some people passing them. "Sure. Don't give a shit about them", Lynn said pointing to the other people.

When they went inside the theatre Ziggy was astonished about all the beautiful colors of the ceiling paintings above his head. "It's pretty, isn't it?", Lynn said noticing Ziggy's astonishment. He just shook his head yes and they continued to go to the dressing room.

"I'm sorry, Ziggy but you can't enter this room.", Lynn said. "But you can take a seat on this chair just before the stage", she said and pointed to the chair covered by red cloth. Ziggy nodded smiling and set down.

Fifteen Minutes later, the lights went off except of a headlight pointing to the stage. Lynn was sitting with a violin in her hand. Then she started to play. A beautiful melody filled the room. Ziggy had never heard such sweet tunes in his whole life. Yes he was only twenty five but music wasn't such a big thing on Mars.

He felt himself shiver, he couldn't even describe what effect this music had on him. It was incredible. Tears of joy started to built up in his eyes as he watched Lynn. The way this whole scene made him feel was indescribable: the amazing melody, Lynn's beautiful dress, his slight affection for her. All of this made him cry in happiness.

"I want to try it myself.", he thought. "I want to create something that makes others feel like I do right now. I want to learn from Lynn.", he thought. "I want to learn the ways of music."

-I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter❤️ have a nice day and please vote for this story😘-

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