Chapter 5: Space Oddity

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Space Oddity

After the concert, Ziggy immediately went to Lynn, when she came out of the dressing room. "And? How did you like it?", Lynn asked curios. "I loved it! I have never heard anything as beautiful as this to be honest. It was just amazing. I literally cried because of joy.", Ziggy admitted with glowing eyes.

"How flattering!", Lynn said and blushed. "I want to learn it!", he then suddenly blurted out. "I want to learn the ways of music. I want to create something that makes others feel like I did listening to you. Will you teach me?". Lynn was very touched by his words.

"Of course! I would love to, Ziggy. I'm really glad you asked", she smiled and hugged him. A little overwhelmed, he hugged her back.

On their way to Lynn's flat, they talked and laughed a lot. When they got inside, Lynn kicked off her shoes and laid down on her sofa. "Oh my god I'm so tired!", she said. Ziggy looked out of Lynn's huge window wall. He could almost see all of London. "Wow", he just said and set down on the floor, not breaking his view on the city.

Lynn got up again and set down next to him. "Yeah it's beautiful. I really missed this view", she said and laid her head on his shoulder. Ziggy first was a bit confused but then smiled.

After some minutes he suddenly heard a soft snooze and turned his head to Lynn. She had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled softly. He really found her adorable. Slowly and carefully he picked her up and carried her to her bedroom bridal style.

He laid her down on the bed and put a blanked over her. "Good Night", he whispered and kissed her head softly. "I don't know why but I'm moments like these I don't ever want to leave earth.", he thought and went out of Lynn's room.

He set down on the floor again and spend some time watching the city before he laid down on the sofa and fell asleep too.

The next morning, Lynn woke up in her bed. "How did I get here?", she thought. "Oh well Ziggy must've brought me here yesterday when I fell asleep.", she than thought and stood up. When she got out of her room, she saw Ziggy laying on the sofa, still sleeping.

Quietly she put a blanket over him and went into the kitchen, making coffee still trying to be as quite as possible so she wouldn't wake him. Shortly after she finished the coffee, she took another cup for Ziggy and went into the living room again. "Good Morning", she softly said and walked closer to Ziggy. She put the cup on the table next to the sofa.

Ziggy opened his eyes. "Good Morning", he said sleepy and took a sip of the coffee. "Thank you for bringing me to bed yesterday", Lynn said. "Oh you're welcome", Ziggy laughed still sleepy.

"Well I thought since you asked me to teach you the ways of music we could start today. I have my guitar here so if you want", she suggested. Ziggy nodded heavily. "Yes of course, I'd love to start", he said. "Great. Just let me get changed real quick.", Lynn said and went into he bedroom to change her clothes.

When she came back, she was also carrying her guitar. Ziggy smiled excited and the both set down on the sofa. "So you know how to play the guitar but you don't know how to write songs, am I right?", Lynn asked. "Yes you're right", Ziggy replied. Lynn nodded.

"So if you really have no idea and you want to start writing a song, you maybe start improvising a bit first and when you find something interesting, you write it down. And when you have a good melody, you think about which instruments would fit in the best, when you've done all of that, you need to look what topic touches you. And you will find the fitting words, I promise.", Lynn explained.

Ziggy was listening interested. "That's some great advice, thank you!", he said. "I need to go to another rehearsal now but you can try coming up with a song while I'm gone", she said and handed him her guitar. "Sure thanks", he said and started playing a bit.

This was the first time Lynn ever noticed that Ziggy was left-handed. "See you later", she said and walked out of the door. "See you", Ziggy also said.

When Lynn came home in the evening, Ziggy was already waiting for her. He looked very excited. "Lynn I'm glad you're back! I've been dying to show you what I found!", he said proudly. "Now I'm interested", Lynn said and set down on the floor and Ziggy set down next to her with the guitar in his hands.

He started playing and Lynn listened carefully. Than he started to sing.

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you
This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do

"Wow", Lynn said overwhelmed. "Ziggy this I really good. And I mean really good! You should show this to a record company.", she said amazed. "Thank you, Lynn. That means a lot to me.", he said.

"The song is called 'Space Oddity' by the way.", he said and blushed a bit. "Beautiful. Just beautiful. And you really have the voice of an angel, Ziggy.", she admitted.

Ziggy blushed even more. "You're too kind. And yeah maybe I'll show this to a record company. But only if you write a song with me too.", he smiled. "Sure! We will make a good duo", Lynn said and punched his shoulder softly.

-wow this is a really long chapter haha I hope you like it!❤️-

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