Chapter 10: It's not the sideeffects of the cocaine

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Warning: drug abuse (off scene) and mature language

3rd July, 1973:
"Just a few more hours!", Lynn thought. "Just a few more hours until I can finally see him again!". She took on a very elegant dress with silver glitter and put on some make up.

At 6 PM she started her way to the Odeon Hammersmith theater

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

At 6 PM she started her way to the Odeon Hammersmith theater. She arrived 20 minutes later.

She wanted to get a normal ticket but she was seen by Mick as he came out of the tour bus. "Lynn!", he shouted Happy to see her. "Mick! What a surprise!", she said and hugged him.

They were suddenly surrounded by fans. "Holy shit you guys are popular!", Lynn marveled. Mick nodded. "You should've seen the crowd in New York.", he meant.

"I want to surprise Ziggy that I'm here. Do you have any idea how?", she asked. "Actually I do!", Mick said. "You just join the fans until we announce 'Moonage daydream'. Then I'll tell the security to let you come backstage. You will go to the point that leads directly to the stage and I'm sure he'll see you." Mick suggested.
"Great idea! And you surely said 'Moonage Daydream because of you very long guitar solo, didn't you?", Lynn said. He nodded. "Exactly. See ya backstage", Mick said and went into the building.

Lynn went inside too but through the door that was also used by the fans. She quickly found her place and looked around. Hundreds of people were standing in the hall waiting for Ziggy and The Spiders. She was just amazed of how far Ziggy had come.

Suddenly the lights went off and the band appeared on stage. Shortly after that Ziggy appeared as well. As Soon as he walked on stage, the crowd started to freak out. Lynn had never seen anything comparable to this. It was crazy.

Ziggy started to sing his songs. He started with 'Hang onto yourself' and continued with 'Watch that man'. He was wearing his casual Marsian clothes that worked perfectly as a costume here on earth. Lynn was impressed by the improvement of his singing. Well he could already sing quite good before but right then it was amazing and well trained.

In the moment they started playing 'Moonage daydream', Lynn went to the door leading backstage. The security man smiled politely and let her in. Obviously Mick had told him how she looked like since she didn't even have to say her name. She went through the dressing room of The Spiders and directly to the stage entrance.

She watched Ziggy singing his heart out as he suddenly turned around and noticed her standing there. His eyes grew wide and a big smile appeared on his face. Lynn smiled back in excitement.

As soon as Mick started playing his solo, Ziggy quickly walked over to her, pulled her on stage into the spotlight and kissed in front of the audience.

The crowd started to scream. Ziggy hadn't told anyone about his relationship with Lynn. Except of The Spiders of course. Lynn was a little overwhelmed but couldn't be happier.

When they pulled back, Ziggy gave her a sign and they finish the song together. After that Lynn went backstage again until after he had finished the show he asked her to come on stage again.

"So everybody please let me introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend Lynn Parker.". The crowd screamed again. "I met her almost two years ago and without her I wouldn't be where I am now. She inspired me to make music and supported me in every way possible.", he told the audience.

Lynn smiled happily and waved to the people. "Well...thank you everyone. Of all of the shows on this tour this particular show will remain with us the longest because not only is it the last show of the tour but it's the last show I will ever do. Thank you.", he than said and turned his attention to his bandmates who didn't know anything about this.

An unbelieving and disappointing noise went through the crowd. Lynn looked at Ziggy in shock. She knew that the show was over but him never singing on stage again with his success and talent? No that sounded wrong. What reason should he have?

When they all went backstage, a very angry Mick came in. "What the actual fuck, Ziggy?! You're basically firing us without telling us anything! What the hell is wrong with you?!", he angrily hissed at him. "Mick look man I have my reasons, okay? I'm very sorry but I just can't do shows any longer", he tried to explain.

"Oh I know your reasons you little snow nose!". With that he left the room. Lynn looked at Ziggy in confusion. "What did he mean with snow nose?", she asked. Ziggy stepped into the light of the dressing room. Only then Lynn noticed the skeleton standing in front of her.

This wasn't the Ziggy she knew. He was thin. Very thin. Only skin and bones. Yes he was thin before but that didn't look healthy anymore. Not in any way. He had dark shadows under his eyes and looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

Suddenly Lynn understood. By the way he looked  and Mick's comment it could only be this. She covered her open mouth with her hand and step back a little. Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she stood there in shock.

Ziggy lowered his head. "Lynn listen.", he said holding back his tears. "It's complicated. Very complicated.", he said and stepped closer to her.

"Please let's just sit down and talk about everything, shall we?", he said and set down on the couch. Lynn slowly came closer too. He desperate and disturbed view made Ziggy's heart break. Lynn than set down as well and Ziggy started to explain.

"Remember my coughing? You were right it wasn't just nothing. I can't handle the air on earth anymore. You see the air on Mars is much thinner. Just a little longer and my lungs would've ripped open."

While he was talking Lynn was terrified. Her stare was motionless but the tears still dropped down her cheeks.

"I had no idea what to do but one day I saw one of those groupies taking cocaine and I was so desperate to try it. And it helped. It slowed down the process a lot. So it's just to keep me alive. You don't have to worry that much, darling.", he lied again and took her hand.

Lynn looked him in the eyes. Suddenly he started crying too. "Oh fuck who the fucking hell am I lying to?! No more lies", he said to himself just as loud so Lynn could hear. "It started as a medicine but it's not anymore. I can't stop it, Lynn. I can't stop", he said crying a lot.

"I'm so fucking addicted to this shit. And I'm tired of lying to myself. I need help.", he said and got down on his knees in front of Lynn, still holding her hand. "Please help me, Lynn. I need your help! Please!", he bedded and lowered his head again.

Lynn didn't say anything. She came down on his level and took him in her arms into an understanding and comforting hug.

-Wow this was a very long chapter haha I hope you enjoyed it! I would be very thankful for a vote🙏🏻 I'll be working on the next chapter as soon as possible❤️-

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