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Everyone left the kitchen after finishing the breakfast to change into something warm.
  You and George dig through clothing trying to find something that would actually work so you didn't freeze.
  Pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, a fluffy thick maroon sweater and a light jacket to pair it with you call it good and begin changing.

George does the same, grabbing clothing that sorta matches yours.
"I think we should move.." George speaks up nervously

Pulling your leg into the tight jeans you glance up furrowing your brows.
He shrugs his shoulders at you as he walks to his nightstand and slips a few rings on.
"Well, theres no way you can fit your PC in here.. or in the clays room. So all around with him moving in we'll need more space."

Nodding lightly you agree.
  It wasn't the worst idea in the world and you knew it would benefit everyone in the end. It was more so the stress with moving that freaked you out.

"Let's not stress about it to much yet. We'll talk about it with clay tonight" you smile at George, him returning the smile.
Leaning down lightly he plants a light kiss on your forehead causing you to blush.

Standing up from the bed, you slip the sweater over your body and tuck it in.
George looks you up and down before the slight red falls over his cheeks.
You check yourself in the mirror making sure you didn't look funny.
He makes his way from the side of his bed over to you and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into him.

Smiling at him in the mirror you giggle.
  "Let's take a picture?" You question.

But George was already one step ahead of you.
  Putting his arm over your shoulder he positions the phone in front of you, camera facing the mirror.
Snapping a quick pic, you immediately grab his phone to look at it, causing him to laugh.

"Good enough?" He chuckles

You nod and smile

A tap on the door ruins the moment, before clay walks in holding his phone.
  His face showed discomfort, and hurt.

Slipping your self out of Georges grasp you rush to clay.
"What's wrong??" Your voice was higher, and full of worry.

He looks up at you, showing nearly no emotion.
  He flips his phone giving you access to see.

You begin reading the article on his screen.
"Women in custody after being accused of murdering husband.." you pause and glance at the women in the photo.
  You almost immediately recognized her. 


Your heart drops into your stomach.
  How could she do this?
   If you didn't leave... would it have been you..?

You didn't speak. You had nothing to say. The thoughts running through your brain begin to increase. What was next? You had just seen him days previous, how could things gone that bad, that quick?
Your vision begins to get blurry when suddenly everything goes black.
-George's POV-

"Hey.. what's going on?" I spoke up as I walked towards y/n.

Her face was pale, and showed no emotions completely.
I put my hand on her back showing support, but before she could say anything she falls on the floor, unconscious.

"Holy shit- George get her" clay speaks up.
Before she completely hit the ground I was able to stop her head from hitting hard.

"What the fuck did you show her clay? We need to go to a hospital. Now." My voice was tense, and shocked to say the least. I had no context on how this really could've happened.

It started with hello~ GeorgeNotFoundxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now