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-updated 9/20/21- WARNING- this story is extremely cringe (at least to me) because it was my first story back onto wattpad in years.
I have 2 other george X readers that are 10x better if interested.
Please refrain from being rude, keep it nice even though yes, I know I added some cringe shit into this💀 I'm just tired of seeing rude/Ill mannered comments, making me tempted to take the story down as a whole, but not wanting to. Just please be nice!:)

WARNING- panic attacks, talks about past abuse. Vulgar language
You couldn't believe that had just happened.
George came off as this wholesome, innocent person but behind close doors was something else.
Something you had never had or felt before.
You could tell now that the boundary had been broken you were in for something.

After cleaning yourself up in the bathroom, you make your way back to George.
When you walk in your greeted by a yelling George.
You glance over and laugh at him before taking a seat back into the same chair as before.
You watch clay and George play, throwing in random comments and such.
Your brain was going a million miles per hour.
First your mom tried to take you home, and well.. you know the rest.

Deep in your thoughts your phone vibrates lightly in your pocket catching your attention.

Sliding your phone out of your pocket you look at the message.

"I have your location, stay where you are and we won't have problems."

Your heart sank.
Twiddling with your thumbs at first but knowing what to say, you finally start pressing the keyboard.

"If you show up at my boyfriends house I'm calling the authorities. I'm not going back with you and they won't let me go back with you once I show them the evidence." You heart skips a beat as you click send
"Leave me alone." Is quickly added on.

Your chest started getting tight
It felt like your throat was closing up making it hard for you to take full deep breaths.
The sensation in the tips of your fingers began to tingle, feeling like TV static. And minutes felt like hours.

"H-hey George." You struggle to speak up.

He glances at you before muting his mic and taking the headset off.

"Yes?" He furrows his brows showing concern.

You turn you phone screen towards him where he then starts reading the texts.

His face drops into a blank expression once done reading.
Taking your phone back he speaks up.

"Let's go tell clay what's going on, and we will come up with a plan. I'm not going to let them touch you y/n. You're with me now." His voice rushed comfort throughout you slightly making your panic attack go away.
His face showed concern, yet also confidence that nothing bad was going to happen.
You and George sit up from the table and walk to your room where a focused clay was sitting at the desks.

"What's going on?" He slips the headset off and spins the chair to look at you both.

George sighs-
"Y/ns parents found her location, they're on there way now to try and get her. We need to think of a plan now." His British accent filled the whole room. Clay just nods and stands up.

The two follow you out into the living room, where you take a seat in a circle ready for discussion.

"Any ideas of what to do?" Clay asks seriously.

You sit and think for a moment.
"We don't have much time...all they have to do once they get here is ask the front desk and boom they have the apartment number." You lean back into the couch and cross your arms.

It started with hello~ GeorgeNotFoundxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now