||| Sugar Daddy |||

121 1 0

warnings: sexual theme

word count: 718


Diego's POV

Me and the rest of my siblings were setting up the Christmas tree in the living room when we heard a loud scream come from upstairs. Everyone looked around the room and I sighed.

"It's probably Five. Hold on guys." I said.

Everyone shrugged and continued setting up the Christmas tree. I ran upstairs and leaned against Five's doorframe as I looked at the mess in front of me. Wrapping paper was scattered all over the room and Five was laying in his bed with his eyes closed.



"What's all this wrapping paper for?"

Five sighed and got up from his bed, rubbing his face.

"They're for y/n."

My eyes widened and I looked at all the presents in the room.

"Are they all for y/n?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Five gave me a confusing look.


"Five these are a lot of presents. And some of them look expensive." I looked around the room again and started taking in all the mess.

"Wait, Five," I chuckled and gave him a smile. "Are you a sugar daddy?" I asked.

Five's eyebrows furrowed.

"What's that?"

I laughed and held my hands to my face.

"It's kind of where you buy expensive things for your 'girlfriend,' in exchange for..." I trailed off.

Five stood up and crossed his arms.

"In exchange for what, Diego?"

I shook my head.

"In exchange for sex. Kinky shit."

Five's face went from confusion to shock and started to flush really bad. He began to violently shake his head as he stepped closer to me.

"No! Oh my gosh no!" Five stood in front of me for a moment before he started to look like he was really thinking. His eyes widened and he looked at me.

"Oh my gosh, Diego. Am I?"

My jaw dropped to the floor and I looked at Five.

"My god Five! How do you not know? Do you love her? I mean does she love you?" My face shifted and went to disgust. "Wait, h-how much do you guys actually...have sex?"

I really didn't want to know the answer to that question.

"I don't think you wanna hear the answer to that question, Diego." Five said as he looked at me nervously.

"Oh my god, Five!"


"Five! You could be a sugar daddy." I whispered the last part. "Does she love you? Do you actually love her?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, I love her a lot! And she says-"

Y/n suddenly entered the room.

"You guys realize we can all here you from downstairs, right?" She said. "We're all cracking up."

Five was completely frozen.

When y/n saw his face she laughed and carefully stepped through the wrapping paper. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed his face to turn it to her.

"I love you for you, Five. Not your money. Okay?" She paused and giggled a little bit. "You're not my sugar daddy."

Five sighed as his face relaxed.

"Good. I was worried."

"No need to be." y/n looked around the room at all the presents and wrapping paper. She chuckled and turned back to Five. "None of these are necessary, Five. You could get me a paperclip for Christmas and I'd be thankful for the present. Although, I would wonder why a paperclip reminds you of me."

Five laughed.

"And by the way, Diego," y/n turned to me and smiled. "Five and me are virgins."

Five's jaw dropped and I heard the entire family cracking up from downstairs. I myself started to laugh.

"Babe! They don't need to know that!" Five screamed.

She rolled her eyes and looked back at me.

"But we also do a lot of kinky shit so that's why Five probably thought he was my sugar daddy."

The laughs from downstairs got even louder as did mine.

Y/n chuckled and gave Five a peck on the lips.

She ran downstairs as Five ran after her.

"Babe!" He yelled from the steps.

I chuckled to myself and walked back downstairs.


"So what type of kinky shit are you guys into? I need some ideas." Klaus asked.

"Oh my God, Klaus! No! Shut up!" Five yelled as y/n snickered from underneath her hand.

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