||| In the Morning |||

103 3 0

warnings: dirty talk, suggestive sexual activity

word count: 1009


Y/n's POV

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I shifted around in my sleep, trying to ignore the knocking coming from outside.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I groaned and lifted my head to sleepily look at the closed bedroom door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I glanced over at Five who was still sleeping before trying to move out of his grasp. I slowly uncovered myself from the warmth of the sheets and moved away from Five. He groaned and sleepily opened his eyes.

"Babe, come back to bed. I'm cold." He said huskily.

A shiver went down my spine at the sound of his voice.

"I'll be right back, okay. Go back to sleep."

He flopped is head down on the pillow before rolling out of bed. I chuckled as he walked around the bed and followed after me.

I opened the bedroom and groggily walked through the small apartment him and I shared. I stood in front of the front door and stood on my tippy toes to look through the peep hole. Allison stood at the front looking nervous as she glanced down at something I couldn't see.

I was only in a tank top and underwear so I had to make sure who was at the front door. I felt Five's hand rest itself on my hip as I opened the door to our apartment.

"Allison? What's going on?" I glanced over at the clock hanging over the fridge. "It's two in the morning."

Allison sighed and stared down at the girl standing beside her.

"Clare, this is your aunt y/n and your uncle Five." Allison whispered before looking back up at me. "Since Clare is only twelve and still to little to be on her own, I need you guys to watch her for the night. I got an emergency call from my director and he says he needs me in asap. I couldn't find a sitter this late and Patrick is out of town for the week. Do you think you could..." She trailed off.

Five grumbled and opened his mouth before I put my hand over it.

"That's fine." I said with a smile.

I felt Five grab my hand and started to bite and suck on the inside of my wrist, but I stayed calm.

Allison left Clare with us after thanking us a thousand times, and I led her to the couch before grabbing Five by the hand and pulling him to the kitchen.

"I know how much of a kinky little shit you are, but not in front of Clare." I scolded him before turning around to talk with Clare.

I heard him grumble as I sat next to Clare and nudged her side.

"I know you haven't seen me in a little while since last time, I was about fourteen. But I remember you. Is there anything you want to do?"

Clare looked over at Five before glancing back at me.

"Can we watch a movie?" She whispered.

I nodded and and grabbed the tv remote, handing it to Five.

"I'm gonna go put some pants on while you sit with Clare."

I started to walk away when Five grabbed my wrist.

"You don't really have to put pants on, y'know. You could just stay in your underwear." Five said with a smirk.

I lightly slapped his back as I ran into our bedroom and threw some sweats on. I came back to Five and Clare staring very intensely at each other.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"We're having a staring contest." Clare said.

I chuckled and walked in front of Five, blowing in his eyes. He blinked which made him turn to me and glare.

"I was about to win, babe!"

Clare gave me a confusing look.

"What's 'babe?'" Clare asked.

"It's a nickname Five gave me since we're married." I answered with a smile.

"Yeah and there are plenty other nicknames we have for each other that auntie y/n probably won't like me mentioning." Five said with a smirk as my eyes widened before he winked at me.

'Shut up.' I thought to him through my telepathy.

He chuckled.

"What are the other nicknames?" Clare asked.

I felt my face heat up as me and Five made eye contact.

'Daddy...' Five thought to me. 'Baby Girl...'

"N-nothing you need to worry about." I said.

Clare shrugged before grabbing the remote from Five's hands and clicking on the tv.

Throughout the rest of the morning, Five kept sending me strange glances, moaning in my head, anything he could do to make me uncomfortable in front of Clare. Thankfully, Allison returned and took Clare home.

Once the door closed, Five started to mess around with the straps on my tank-top, lightly caressing my shoulder.

"Five..." I said, sternly.


"It's seven in the morning, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed."

"We can go back to bed after a little bit of messing around, okay?"

I chuckled and turned around to walk away from him, but he wrapped his arm around my waist and slowly pulled my back into his chest. He dug his head into the crook of my neck and started lightly suck on the skin.

"Are you turned on yet?"

I grumbled.

"I'm not gonna stop you, am I?"

He chuckled.


I turned around and softly pressed my lips to his before leaning away, he smiled and went back in more aggressive than I did. He slipped his tongue past my lips and started to push me back to our bedroom. I pulled away for a moment and he groaned.

"Why have you been so horny this morning?"

He smiled.

"Well, when Clare came to visit us, I started to think about having kids of our own."

"This is what's going on? You want kids?"

He hung his head down low, and nodded.

"Well," I slowly climbed onto him as he looked up and placed his hands below my thighs, lifting me up. "Let's get started."

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