||| Fuckin' Flower Shop |||

94 1 0

warnings: cheating, language

word count: 906


Y/n's POV

I made my way around the counter and flipped the closed sign on the glass door to show I was open.

I walked back behind the counter, and almost instantly, a boy around my age, probably eighteen or nineteen, threw the door open.

The boy stomped through the entrance and made eye contact with me as he slammed his hand on the counter in front of me, a twenty dollar bill suspended underneath his palm.

"How do I passive-aggressively say 'Fuck you' in flower?"

I looked him in bewilderment and cracked a smile. A small laugh came from my lips but the boy's glare on me lingered.

"Um, before I answer that, who is this to and why?"

He lifted his eyebrows at me.

"Why do you care?"

I laughed.

"There's many ways you can say 'fuck you' in flower, so I'm asking the reason this specific person made you angry so I know the right flowers to use."

He smiled.

"Well, I just found out my current girlfriend has been cheating on me for over a year now."

My smile faltered and I glanced away from the boy.

"I'm sorry. You must be heartbroken."

"Don't sweat it, she was a bitch anyway. I'd been suspecting for some time now so I'm not that heartbroken."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure. Now back to the flowers."

I nodded and slipped the twenty out from underneath the boy's hand.

I went to the backroom and pulled out a few geraniums, foxglove, meadowsweet, yellow carnations, and orange lilies. I walked out from the backroom and set the flowers down on a nearby table.

"What's her least favorite color?" I asked him as I put the twenty bucks in the register.

Twenty bucks was only about, 2/3 of what he needed to pay me, but I let it slide because why not?

He sat and thought about it.

"Brown." He replied.

I pulled down some brown wrapping paper and some clear plastic.

"That's to bad. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think brown is a beautiful color because of what it symbolizes."

The boy looked at me in confusion.

"What does it symbolize?"

I trimmed up the flowers as I spoke.

"Brown means strength, safety, and resilience, which means recovering from difficulties and coming out tough in the end. You my friend are coming over a bit of a tough time, but you'll make it out in the end because I can see your strength. You look like you've been through some rough times."

The boy chuckled.

"You have no idea."

I smirked.

"Brown can also mean isolation and loneliness. And you seem like you've had your fair share of isolation and loneliness. Brown just really seems to be your color."

His eyes widened.

"You're really good at reading people." He said.

I finished trimming up the flowers and wrapped them in the paper and plastic, tying it with a brown ribbon. I set it down on the counter in front of the boy. I grabbed a small note card and wrote a few simple words of hatred in very neat and pretty handwriting. I stuck the small note in a little holder I put in the flowers and looked up at the boy.

"Yeah people always tell me it's kind of like," I paused for a moment. "My superpower."

The boy laughed and looked down at the flowers.

"So how does this tell my girlfriend 'Fuck you?'"

I smiled.

"The geraniums means stupidity, foxglove means insincerity, the meadowsweet means uselessness, yellow carnations mean 'you have disappointed me', and the orange lilies mean hatred."

The boy laughed.

"That's good. Thanks." The boy said as he grabbed the flowers off of the counter.

"No problem." I said.

I waved him goodbye and he winked at me as he pushed the door open to the shop. I chuckled and turned to the counter to clean up the mess on the table.

"I hope I see that boy again." I whispered to myself. "He was pretty cute."

I swept the clippings of the flowers into the trash and finished cleaning right as I heard the door to the shop open.

I turned to be met with the face of a flustered girl.

"How may I help you?" I asked the girl.

Her eyes were slightly red and she glanced up at me.

"How do you say 'I'm sorry for cheating on you' in flower?"

My mind went back to the boy I had met earlier.

"By any chance, is your least favorite color brown and your boyfriend has green eyes with dark brown hair?"

The girl's eyes widened and she stared at me in shock.

"Yes? H-has my boyfriend been here or something?"

I chuckled.

"No," I lied. "Just a lucky guess."

She sighed.

"So can you help me?"

I laughed.

"I don't help cheaters." I said.

Her face turned to anger.

"But I'm your customer! You have to help me!"

I laughed again and leaned forward to be in the girl's face.

"This is my shop, and if I want to deny someone," I lifted my brow at her. "I can. So get out of my shop and take your cheatin' ass somewhere else."

She huffed and flipped her hair in my face as she stomped away from me and out of the shop.

I chuckled.

"This should be interesting."

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