Heart's Desire

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Dedicated to Arianna_Ocasio!



"Ugh please shut up!" I groaned rolling over in my bed and hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock.
Giving a tired grunt I knew I wouldn't be going back to sleep now. Picking up my cell phone and glaring at the caller i.d. I hit the answer button and harshly said "What do you want piggy!?" There was silence then she spoke, "Don't you yell at me miss forehead! I was just calling to tell you that I have some flowers for you to pick up and to remind you to call that hot piece of Uchiha meat and ask him out today!." she giggled at the last part. Yesterday Sasuke had just gotten back and boy was I happy, "Wait why do I have flowers waiting on me?" I asked rubbing my temples. Ino gave a sigh, "Because today is Valentine's day duh." My eyes widened, how could I possibly forget my favorite holiday. "Who are they from?" I asked in a rush. "There isn't a name." She replied with a giggle which told me she did know but wasn't going to tell me. "Alright i'll come get them after I call Sasuke. See if he wants to do something tonight." I said. She gave a laugh and I hung up, "God Sakura you must look like crap, first a shower then call Sasuke" I said to myself as I raked my fingers threw my bed head. I hoped everything works out like I pictured it in my head because I love Valentine's day and wanted to spend time with a certain raven haired love of mine.

Sasuke pov

"So teme you going to go get me some ramen or what?" Naruto whined as he ate the last of my zesty salsa Sun Chips. The guy had been bothering me since I got back, but today he thought it'd be nice to just walk into my house at six in the morning and wake me up. "And why would I do that dobe?" I replide. He gave a loud groan then said, "Because its Valentine's day and I want some special chocolate flavored ramen!!" my eyes narrowed at the blonde. "Ok first off that sounds disgusting even for you. Secondly you have fans now ask them to go get you some. Plus I hate this day, couples are everywhere on the streets and its hard to get anywhere when they stand in your way and giggle or eat each others faces." I complained. He gave me a smile, "You mean your not going to go do that with Sakura now that your back?" He asked. My eyes widened but I quickly turned and opened the fridge to grab a tomato so he wouldn't notice my embarrassment. But he did notice my silence, Naruto stood and walked into the kitchen. "You ARE planning to do something for Sakura today right?" He asked. I straightened then shook my head, "Why would I? Like I said I hate this day." I replide taking a bite out of my tomato.

His mouth hung open and his eyes bugged out at me, "Close your mouth idiot." I said. Shaking his head he shrugged and smiled, "Then I guess its a good thing I bought those flowers for her and put them in your name so that she thinks they are from you." He said. I coughed trying desperately not to choke on a piece of tomato, "You...you what!?" I yelled angrily. Laughing and running for the door he yelled back at me, "Good luck teme!"

"Get back here I'll murder you Naruto!!!!!" I yelled chasing after him but he was already gone. Giving a growl of anger I slammed my door shut, "Great not only will I have to avoid Sakura today but I have to get to the flower store and stop those flowers from getting to Sakura." I said aloud. Sitting my half eaten tomato on my kitchen counter I went into my room and changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. Walking back threw my house I grabbed my tomato and was at the door when my phone started to sing in my pocket. Giving my hundredth groan I pulled out my phone and answered it.

"Hi Sasuke-kun!" came Sakura's voice. 'Oh crap man!' my inner squeaked. "Hey. What's up?" I asked stepping out my door.
"Just calling to ask if you had anything planned for today." she said, 'Ok man umm...lets fake a cold! No to obvious. Oh, lets say we have a mission to uh.... The book store!' my inner said giving a fake cough. But Sakura was to smart, "Great so let's have lunch today! I'll meet you in a little." she said before I could object. "Bye Sasuke-kun!" she said hanging up. Kicking my door I put my phone away, ok first get to the flower shop and dispose of the flowers then meet Sakura for lunch but that's it, I said to myself. It sounded like a plan at the time, but that wasn't my hearts desire.

To be cont....

(A/N:Ok so that's the first chapter. I am so happy to do another story like this, it really gives me a chance to write something that is a little romantic. Plus its nice to do a story where not a lot of fighting is involved, it helps me as a writer. So please vote and comment tell me how you like this. And thanks to AmericaS16 for the cover of this story. I do not own any characters in this story.)

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